Yes, the Christians had a habit of laying their holidays on top of existing Pagan holidays. Christmas is a solstice holiday and Easter is a birth and rebirth holiday.
There is no “real” meaning of the holiday. Sure, there are meanings that people believe and these include all kinds of stories. But right now the story is a story that people tend not to recognize, and if they do recognize it, they despise it.
Right now, the holiday is about a number of things, but it is arguable that the most important thing it is about now is promoting the economy. If we get the economy going as hot as we can, more people will be employed and doing well. Then we won’t need Christmas charity, which doesn’t help pin the long run. Jobs are what people need, not handouts. The best way to create jobs is for people to spend as much as possible.
Christmas is designed to make people feel good and giddy and guilty. These emotions impel people to buy, and that juices the economy, which makes people’s lives better.
Of course, most people look at that and see only crass materialism. They think the meaning of Christmas has been adulterated and diminished, because it’s supposed to be a spiritual thing, not a materialistic thing. We’re supposed to have good will towards all. And somehow, good will is supposed to be a feeling, not something material.
Feelings are all nice and all. And we can get drunk on eggnog and give handouts to the homeless, but frankly, that all rings pretty hollow to me. People need concrete action, and buying stuff and handing it out is a way of taking concrete action that will make a difference in the long run. We need consumption or people will freeze and go hungry. The materialistic impulse is actual a spiritual impulse that does more for others than any form of charity.
I do not mean to be cynical here. I think the true cynicism is in the people who denounce materialism. Of course, they think it’s common sense, and as usual, common sense is not supported by the data. Consumerism actually does make a material difference in people’s lives. Materialism is not a bad thing, unless we actually want people to be mired in poverty.