Social Question

Paradox1's avatar

Does partying serve any purpose for mankind?

Asked by Paradox1 (1182points) November 19th, 2011 from iPhone

Does it?

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12 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

Cleans up the gene pool. When those partying go too far and kill themselves by doing really stupid shit, like driving drunk.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Stress release (immunity boost), increase of fun-time brain chemicals.

jerv's avatar

More than not partying. Personally, my life would suck if I was bored enough to want to kill myself.

Basically, without partying, life is one long hangover without the euphoria of being shit-faced for a few hours.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Sometimes you need to howl at the moon to let the primitive side come out. It’s letting your hair down and letting the true you out. Yeah, it serves a purpose.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Looks like @FutureMemory and I attended the same parties. I figured the really stupid ones got cleaned out. I can still remember the 2% who acted like total asses at parties and I avoided those people ever since.
Just for the record, in my freshman class dorm there were two big partiers: my roommate and the guy down the hall. My roommate flunked out. About 10 years after graduation the guy down the hall ended up in prison for killing someone in a road rage incident.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Why would social interaction serve any purpose to a species such as humans? I mean look at the great civilisations of history… We have achieved the most while studiously avoiding other people.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Socializing and having fun is great. It’s the “Whooo! Hoo!” Rip off the Shirt and “Let’s PAR TAY!” that acts as the 2% filter.

For the other 98% it is a chance to meet people and potential mates, exchange ideas, be exposed to new things, and learn by example about how not to behave. I never had the urge to get rip roaring drunk after dragging my stupid roommate back to the room so he could puke his guts out. “Yay. Par-Tay.”

Ayesha's avatar

You have to let go sometimes. Really let your inner self come out, no worries, no rules, no responsibility. Just that time frame dedicated to you. You need to remain intact with that feeling of true wild freedom. Otherwise, you’d be dead on the inside.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Can we discuss this over a few drinks?

marinelife's avatar

Sure, having fun. Letting off steam (de-stressing).

blueiiznh's avatar

You always heve to find balance. For some people it’s partying. For party people, they balance by going to work.

Pele's avatar

YES, it helps mankind to get laid

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