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chyna's avatar

Have you ever read a book that you didn't want to finish because you didn't want it to end?

Asked by chyna (51732points) November 20th, 2011

I’m reading a book now that has my total attention, but I see where it is headed and don’t want it to end. Especially because I see a bad ending. Have you read a book that has affected you this way?

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13 Answers

digitalimpression's avatar

I think I read “It” by Stephen King and didn’t like where it was going. If I remember right it had an alternate ending though too.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Yes. I keep going in most cases. If I like the book, I like the author to some extent, and I feel like if I close it early, it would be like telling a friend to shut up.

AmWiser's avatar

Yep! ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo’ series. I finally, with hesitation, finished the last book.Sigh!

I should mention, the author of the series died and there may not be any more sequels. That is one of the reasons I didn’t want to hurry and read the ending.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yep, Many times. It is actually one of the things that pulls me faster to want to finish it. I recall reading Congo and stayed up all night to finish it.

babybadger's avatar

Yepppp. Last book in the Harry Potter series. I was crying my eyes out and sobbing and rushing but not wanting it to end either…..I was such a wreck haha.

blueiiznh's avatar

Recalling also, The Horse Whisperer did that to me also. @chyna I guess you will be reading all night…..

chyna's avatar

@blueiiznh I will. I can’t let this one go.

zensky's avatar

Wellllllllllll… are you going to reveal which book it is?

augustlan's avatar

Oh, yeah. Several times! It’s all such a jumble of emotions… wanting to read devour the book, and dreading the end. Bittersweet. @AmWiser That series was like that for me, too. I hated knowing the author was dead and there would be no more books. Fantastic series!

chyna's avatar

Sundays at Tiffanys.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

All the good books do that to me. At ⅔’s I want to stop and go back.

Haleth's avatar

This is how I feel about A Year in Provence. Everything that happens in the book is so pleasant and breezy. Peter Mayle describes the locals with a sort of affectionate humor, and the descriptions of the countryside and all the wonderful food and wine there are lovely. I just want to roll around in that book, pretty much. Luckily there are sequels. :)

Stinley's avatar

I have had thus on several occasions. The Time Travellers Wife was one. I do read books again. At the minute I am rereading His Dark materials trilogy, but aloud to my daughter. I am getting a lot out of the books this time round

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