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mazingerz88's avatar

Would you have the courage to drive a stake through a vampire's heart?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) November 20th, 2011

Say it’s for real…you have to go down that creepy, musty, clammy basement or an ancient dungeon, an old mausoleum or morgue…anywhere where the darkness inside hides a sleeping vampire and you need to destroy it within the hour before the sun sets.

Could you do it alone? With a friend? If you are enormously terrified, paralyzed by fear, is there anything that would compel you to go for it anyway?

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20 Answers

whitetigress's avatar

I’d do it. I’d be screaming bloody hell the whole time, but I believe I can do it…

martianspringtime's avatar

No way. Not out of fear, just..can you imagine actually having to shove a piece of wood through the flesh of a human being? I probably can, but I try not to.

partyrock's avatar

Honestly I really do not think I can do it…....... BUT you never know, when you are in survival mode, and things happen people usually wouldn’t do… So who knows. But by just thinking about it, I’d honestly run the other way and not do it. Unless my life depended on it, I would be freaked out and screaming the whole time.

ucme's avatar

No way Pedro Jose!!
I’ve always thought that if push came to shove i’d be able to shoot some villainous fucker foe.
Stabbing though, actually piercing flesh, not going to happen.
Maybe repeatedly tapping a cocktail stick gently with a toffee hammer would eventually work.

Ayesha's avatar

Not if he’s hot. Otherwise, I’d go with a friend.

XOIIO's avatar

I’d suck his blood and get stronger.

downtide's avatar

I think I would have the courage to do that. Actually I don;t think courage comes into it. In the heat of the moment of panic, people instinctively do things they probably wouldn’t dare do while calm. But I probably lack the physical skill and strength to do it properly, I’d just make the vampire mad instead and he’d kill me.

SuperMouse's avatar

I think the only way I could do it was if I was alone. If I had to to protect my family from an eternity as blood thirsty vampires, I would have no choice. It might be rough, but I would close my eyes, raise that stake high over my head and plunge it as deep into his chest as I possibly could. I saw Immortals this weekend my description I think the violence might have impacted more than I thought.

rts486's avatar

Of course I would do it!

mazingerz88's avatar

@SuperMouse One of the most if not the most terrifying moment that I could imagine is that very second when you are about to hit that stake with a hammer and the vampire opens his eyes! I also saw Immortals this weekend. Would be nice if I have Zeus with me to pound on the stake.

flutherother's avatar

I wouldn’t have the courage to avoid doing it..

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Hell no. I’d ask him to bite me.

MilkyWay's avatar

No. I’d just love to die in his cold arms, staring into his evil red eyes…

wundayatta's avatar

I’m het. What the hell would I want to do with a stupid old vampire?

Berserker's avatar

If you go to a vampire’s refuge during the day, it’s pretty much helpless. It won’t wake up like a human does, and you’re free to stab over there.

However, any smart vampire will have a lair that is very difficult to find, and will have some protection. Dracula had his Roma aids, others set up traps, or lay in places where the animals are influenced by the vampire; they’ll rip you to shreds on sight. Or again, nearly inaccessible places, like mountains, old crumbling keeps, creepy ass woods where you freeze to death.

Could I stab one? Yeah. Take that ya creepy ol fucker. But could I get there? Prolly not lol.

Zombies though, that’s another story…

blueiiznh's avatar

I don’t drive a stake though a vampires heart and tell.

UnholyThirst's avatar

Courage? Yes, of course. If there’s one thing I do not lack it’s courage. I would not do that though, ever. From one Vampire to the other…a mutual respect neverending.

Vampsisters unite…

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