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filmfann's avatar

What would happen to aborted children during a zombie apocalypse?

Asked by filmfann (52573points) November 21st, 2011

Would there suddenly be little sea monkey creatures squirming around?

Inspired by this question.

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15 Answers

ucme's avatar


poisonedantidote's avatar

Question of the year!

The aborted embrios would remain dead as chances are that zombie lore is pro choice.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Embryos don’t have enough of a brain in order to be reanimated. You’re also assuming that the infection that would be the kind that infects everyone and reanimates upon any kind of death as opposed to one that is passed only through bodily fluids of the infected.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You guys are way too into this question.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe: A friend of mine came to visit last night. We watched 2 Resident Evil movies and he brought his laptop specifically so we could play Left 4 Dead. We discussed at great length our plans for surviving the zombie apocalypse when it finally comes, including small details that few seem to think of. Yes, I am very much into this question. :P

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@KatawaGrey I watched a little too much of the Chiller channel over the weekend. It was a zombie weekend. :)

Keep_on_running's avatar

Ewwwwwwww…so, in order to answer your question, I have no frickin idea. Man, that is just so weird to think about.

wundayatta's avatar

They would levitate and fly through the air like butterflies. They would be captured in nets and roasted like marshmallows. Or they would seep in through our eyes and infect our brains so that we still looked alive but were really zombies.


fundevogel's avatar

I just speculated on this in the zombie pregnancy question.

ragingloli's avatar

This would happen

Rarebear's avatar

You bash the aborted fetus in the head so it won’t be zombified, and then you keep it in a jar to throw at zombies as bait, or as a distraction when you want to get away.

On three….ewwwwww

Berserker's avatar

Even if the embryo had enough of a developed brain to be infected, its small size would be destroyed by even a weak zombie bite. Probably wouldn’t become anything but mush, although if it was able to be infected, it might be a pile of mush that just kind of squirms around, and a threat to nothing since it doesn’t have any teeth. And even if it did, you’d have to stick your finger right there.

That is, also, assuming that the zombie didn’t swallow the whole thing to begin with, which it probably would.

fundevogel's avatar

Yes, but what of the babies?

Berserker's avatar

LMAO I always crack up in this part lol. Just beating the shit out of it in the park, and that one bum’s all like, YEEAH! XD

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline That is way too sick, and had me LMAO!

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