Social Question

Aethelflaed's avatar

When helping teachers get books for their classroom, is it considered ok to give them used books?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) November 21st, 2011

I was reading this request from a teacher for help filling out their library for the at-risk youth, and started to wonder: Is it ok to give teachers used – but clean, more in the shelf-wear, gently used area than the tons of writing inside area – books, or is that kind of frowned upon, and I should really stick to brand new copies?

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13 Answers

fundevogel's avatar

I’ve known plenty of libraries and schools to gladly take used book donations. Like you said, so long as they are in good condition and the sort of books they’re looking for.

bkcunningham's avatar

What a worthy cause to donate books, @Aethelflaed. I admire that teacher. What a caring person. We have a community library in the area where I live. It isn’t a public library, but a library started by senior volunteers with donated books and materials. It is an inspiring and amazing sight to see today. It has taken several years, but it is comparable to any large city public library. My 92 year old father started the library in the county where I raised. He and his fellow Kiwanis Club members made it a project back in the day.

The only question I have is where do you send the supplies or books? I couldn’t find any information about that on the blog.

The teacher says in the article that used and less costly items are appreciated. ...“I understand that these are tough financial times for everyone, but If you feel you could help add books or other supplies to my classroom, without burdening yourself, I’ve put the link to my Amazon classroom wish list: here. The items chosen are solely going to be put into my classroom for my students and many of the items can also be found used and at a cheaper price.”...

bkcunningham's avatar

Oh, I just saw the address on the page on where to ship items. But it only says Rockville Centre, NY.

marinelife's avatar

Used is fine.

fundevogel's avatar

On a related note, several of the Occupy sites have built themselves libraries on book donations. It’s pretty cool.

wundayatta's avatar

Beggars shouldn’t be choosers. If they are choosers, they shouldn’t be beggars. If there were any restrictions on the gifts, I’d think the person asking for the gifts would explain that up front.

fundevogel's avatar

@wundayatta Not exactly. They curate their collections and if it doesn’t fit their criteria the fact that its a gift doesn’t mean it will end up on their shelves. This can be a good thing as certain groups have a habit of donating their propaganda to libraries. And libraries have a habit of not circulating it.

wundayatta's avatar

@fundevogel That’s why I think the restrictions should be explained up front.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@wundayatta Yeah, I don’t see it that way. I think beggars have a right to be choosers, and not all people who are asking for help are ‘beggars’.

fundevogel's avatar

@wundayatta If you consult a library’s collections department they would happily tell you their donation policy.

Bellatrix's avatar

@Aethelflaed, I think they would be thrilled to have any clean, used books you can supply. If you are still in doubt, can you write to the person and ask them?

Here, the prison system has a book donation system. It isn’t well advertised and I haven’t seen anything about it for a while but they are reliant on people donating used books. I recall there were limitations on what sort of books you could donate but that seems fairly reasonable.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@Bellatrix Yes, I can ask the teacher; I’ll do that.

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