Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Has there ever been any jelly who has parachuted? How was that experience?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) November 22nd, 2011

And would you try it given the chance?

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4 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I’d love to try it. I have gone up, waaay up, to several thousand feet in a hot air balloon. Freaking AMAZING!

Competitive balloonists often travel at 10,000 feet. To jump from a plane at 20–30,000 ft. would be a major rush! :-D

syz's avatar

I’ve refrained due to the cost, but I would love to.

AmWiser's avatar

Not I but my neice e-mailed her footage of sky diving. She said it was fun, exhilerating, and totally awesome, but the look on her face didn’t say the same thing (to me:0).

Blackberry's avatar

I did it twice, once at 7k, then at 10k. It was shorter than one would expect. I just expected to be falling for what seemed like forever, but it was probably like one or two minutes. When you’re free falling, it doesn’t feel like it. It just feels like you’re floating and being blown around.

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