Meta Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Someone Fun der full just entered the 10k mansion. Can somebody help me open this can of Beard Wax?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43882points) November 22nd, 2011

It’s our “fun de vull @fundevogle !

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44 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats on the 10K, and the whiskers.

wilma's avatar


JilltheTooth's avatar

Wow, congrats, Fundevogel! I’m so glad you’re here, and back to posting more regularly!

bongo's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS! Thanks for your great answers to my question too. I hope you have a pancake or three to celebrate.

rebbel's avatar

Congratulation mid-15c., from L. congratulationem, noun of action from congratulari “wish joy,” from com- “together, with” + gratulari “give thanks, show joy,” from gratus “agreeable” @fundevogel!

erichw1504's avatar

Congratumacationilatory @fundevogel !!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Oh great mustachioed one, I bow before your impressive intellect and even more impressive facial hair. Congratulations!

syz's avatar


janbb's avatar

Mazel Tov @fundevogel – you are a man (or woman?) of mystery.

LuckyGuy's avatar

You know, a little Nair on the upper lip might take care of that thing. Just sayin’.
Congrats on the 10k!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Congratulations :D

Sunny2's avatar

Congratulations! Is the fancy face hair a wish or fantasy of yours? If so, they’ll have to adjust your castle shower drain to accommodate it. Seriously, thanks for sticking around with your special points of view.

AmWiser's avatar

Cheers! Let the fun fest began. Welcome to the 10K mansion.

Jude's avatar

Congrats. :)

picante's avatar

Du bist ein fundevogel! I’ve grown the hair on my upper lip extra long in honor of your achievement. Congratulations!

zensky's avatar


MilkyWay's avatar

Congrats Fundevogel!!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations! A party in the mansion for the holidays. We can make this last for days!

harple's avatar

I’m not gonna go all paralipsical on you, but WAY TO GOOOOO! ;-) okay, it kinda worked, right?

fundevogel's avatar

Aw, thank you! And just in time for Movember! I’ve put some thought into it and I’ve decided that from now on I’m only going to post rubbish. But I’ll post a lot more of it.

@JilltheTooth “Wow, congrats, Fundevogel! I’m so glad you’re here, and back to posting more regularly!”

thankyou, I’m glad to be back with my favorite people on the internet.

@rebbel “Congratulation mid-15c., from L. congratulationem, noun of action from congratulari “wish joy,” from com- “together, with” + gratulari “give thanks, show joy,” from gratus “agreeable” @fundevogel!”

goodness me!

@KatawaGrey “Oh great mustachioed one, I bow before your impressive intellect and even more impressive facial hair. Congratulations!”

Beneath this beard I’m blushing.

@janbb “Mazel Tov @fundevogel – you are a man (or woman?) of mystery.”

A woman actually, does that ruin the mystery?

@Sunny2 “Congratulations! Is the fancy face hair a wish or fantasy of yours? If so, they’ll have to adjust your castle shower drain to accommodate it. Seriously, thanks for sticking around with your special points of view.”

As hard as I try my girlish face will not comply with my effort to grow a luxurious beard. I’m afraid the drains are safe for now.

@picante “Du bist ein fundevogel! I’ve grown the hair on my upper lip extra long in honor of your achievement. Congratulations!”

Are you sure you weren’t doing that for Movember? And thanks for the German. I had to google translate it, but I love it.

@harple “I’m not gonna go all paralipsical on you, but WAY TO GOOOOO! ;-) okay, it kinda worked, right?”

I think you went paradoxical on me, but that’s just as good :)

chyna's avatar

^Oh crap, I thought you were a guy. You ruined it for me!

Berserker's avatar

Oh hey, awesome. :) Other than being extremely intelligent, you post old horror clips for me to enjoy. Love your participation here, you’re fun and inspirational. Keep it up, and cheers. ^^

Meego's avatar

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Please remain seated, your flight to your 10k destination has just begun as soon as we are in the air the party begins!

Congrats @fundevogle

mangeons's avatar

Congratulations! You’re an awesome addition to the collective, we’re lucky to have you here! :-)

I must admit, I thought you were a guy too…

muppetish's avatar

Congratulations, @fundevogel :) You’re such an insightful jelly with a wealth of information stored in that brain of yours. I would gladly nom a piece of it zombie-style if would make me more intelligent.

Blondesjon's avatar

Very Well Done to the rarest of Jellies, the Jelly that only posts when she really has something to say.


ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Congratulations @fundevogel, you’re always full of fascinating info, and I look forward to your posts. :)

SavoirFaire's avatar

Félicitations, @fundevogel, and welcome to the mansion! If you will never leave us, we promise to never leave you!

And I confess, I knew you were a lady behind that beard.

mazingerz88's avatar

@fundevogel is a laaaady?! What the…CONGRATS! : )

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations to my favorite word nerd!

Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations @fundevogel. I am always happy when I see you have been about and posting. Welcome to the 10k mansion!!

Blueroses's avatar

O. Fundy, my fundy… I came out of vacation being bummed that I couldn’t have been the one to welcome my favorite enigmatic jelly to the mansion.

You are clever, funny, clever again, bitch (with a capital B), negotiator (with a capital N), unique (with a capital U)... and it really is “bigger on the inside”.

I’m so happy to know you. You give me so much hope for the future/past/current… what did the doctor say?

I wish I had thrown this party but the TARDIS looks sufficiently festive.

bkcunningham's avatar

Congratulations! Always interesting.

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @fundevogel! Mark me down as another one who did not know that you were female!

Coloma's avatar

Dude! I’m late to the party! Congrats, would you like to lick the happy brownie batter from the bowl?
Twist up that stache with some cute little barrettes and dive in! :-D

MissAnthrope's avatar

Congrats to the best beard on Fluther!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar


tedibear's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

Congrats! Holy crap @Meego! That there’s a lot of work!

flutherother's avatar


shego's avatar


fundevogel's avatar

@Symbeline : just for you

@muppetish : in the event of my untimely demise I bequeath you my brain to do with as you wish. If you’re stumped I’m sure @Symbeline will have some ideas.

@Blondesjon : I’ve got nothing.

@ANef_is_Enuf : Oh the pressure. No it’s cool. I still haven’t spilled the beans on when I opted to spend the day with a taxidermist for career day in high school or the intricacies of prohibition/violation dynamics in fairy tales. Wait, I did do that one already. Crap.

@SavoirFaire : Neither now, nor ever will I leave you. Of course you knew. Nothing gets by you.

@mazingerz88 : I checked! It’s true!

@augustlan : I could be happy as a clam in a gelid morass would that I were in the company of such a sesquipedalian jelly as your self.

@Bellatrix : I have a truancy problem. I’ll try to be better :)

@Blueroses : ah Blue, but I’m the one that’s lucky to know you. Should I be quick enough perhaps I’ll be the one to make sure your 20k has the proper allotment of roundels.

@bkcunningham : Why thank you kind sir (or madam).

@marinelife : I’ll mark you down as someone who knows now :)

@Coloma : Yum. You know I don’t give a flying fig about raw eggs or salmonella when there’s batter to be licked.

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