General Question

poofandmook's avatar

Can you help me find this car-related gadget?

Asked by poofandmook (17323points) November 22nd, 2011

my car enthusiast boyfriend has requested a “portable battery charger big enough for a v8”, but I haven’t the slightest clue what I’m looking for. Can someone less challenged than I point me in the right direction?

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8 Answers

syz's avatar

Here’s a place to start.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@poofandmook Just make sure it’s a 12 volt battery charger as opposed to the jumpstarters.

Coloma's avatar

Go to your local Kragen or Autozone. They can help you.
They are great, my neighbor has one and has jumped my car a couple of times when I have left the lights on or the door ajar all night. haha

jerv's avatar

While most cars require 12 volts, the amperage output only matters if you are also planning to use it for jumpstarting, In other words, for a regular charger, nearly any 12V charger will handle a V8 since all it’s doing is charging the battery, and the battery in a car with a V-8 really isn’t any bigger than what I have in my old Corolla.

Now, if you need one that can do jumpstarting, then you need something a bit heftier than my little old ‘yota would.

Also, “portable battery charger” is a bit vague, simply because some people use that term for something like this, a charger about the size of a toobox as opposed to a cart charger while some use it to describe dedicated jumpstarters.

I would wager that what you are looking for is probably the last one. Personally, I have not had luck with any of the small ones even with a little four-banger, so your man would likely need something at least 750 peak amps for a V8 (the one I linked is 950), and it’s better to spend a little more and get one that’s a little overkill than save a little and get something that isn’t up to the task.

It’s a bit late, so I have to cut this short. If that is along the lines of what you need though, I can help you out more tomorrow.

poofandmook's avatar

He wants a charger because he doesn’t drive his souped-up Mustang until the weather is nice, and the battery is always dead as a doornail at the end of the winter.

jerv's avatar

In that case, all he really needs is a trickle charger to keep the battery topped off but is smart enough not to overcharge the battery. A trickle charger doesn’t need much power, but it does need a little intelligence.

When I get home (where I have a computer with a big screen where I can do multiple-tab browsing), I will do a little looking and see what I can find for you.

poofandmook's avatar

you can overcharge a battery?

(I never realized I was so dumb lol)

jerv's avatar

Overcharging a lead-acid battery not only creates heat, it also gives off dangerous fumes. I will spare you the details except to say that it’s very bad.

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