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Dutchess_III's avatar

Care to share some odd, funny, strange coincidences you've experienced?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) November 23rd, 2011

This question was prompted by something that just happened…I called my husband in to show him the heavy duty PURPLE work gloves I just purchased from Amazon. I had just clicked into Amazon, it came up, and my husband’s phone rang….and it was one of his customers…at Amazon! He hasn’t had reason to talk with them since he sold them some compressors three years ago! (They’re needing a service tech for some small issue with one of the compressors.)
That was pretty cool.

Yesterday I walked out of the building (the jail) where I work. Just as I pushed on the door to open it, sirens went off. Stopped me for a second until I realized they weren’t really related. : )

Several years ago my son had caught a bunch of fireflies and had them in a jar. Later in the evening I convinced him to let them go, because they’ll just die over night. We stepped out on the porch, he opened the jar and made a throwing motion toward the street, as if that would toss the fire flies out…and a second later our neighbor’s bug zapper went crazy! Well…the neighbor is clear across the street, and fire flies don’t toss like rocks, so it isn’t even remotely possible that it was the fireflies, but the timing was so exquisite that neither my son nor I have ever forgotten it!

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9 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Coincidences are sort of magical, aren’t they? Here are a few of mine:
– I live in the central US. While inspecting a hotel on the East coast, I decided to go down to the breakfast area for one more cup of coffee before meeting with the staff. There was a guest sitting at a table that looked very familiar. After getting up the nerve to go speak to him, it turned out to be a cousin I hadn’t seen in years and lives on the West coast.

- I was staying at Mom’s house while taking care of my sister in her the last stage of cancer. I suddenly woke up at 4am and hightailed it over to the sister’s house. Her body was warm, but she was gone. I don’t know what caused the ‘wake-up’ call, but I will ever be thankful to having been there before her young daughters discovered her body.

- The best coincidence though is not mine. A co-worker was walking through the airport in his hometown. A pay phone started ringing, and since he had time before his flight, he decided to answer it and tell the caller that no one was in the immediate area of the phone bank. The caller said that he had been paged, and this was the return number given. It turned out to be the co-worker’s cousin.

john65pennington's avatar

My partner and I answered a prowler call in an old abandoned mansion. There were no cars at the mansion, when we arrived. I was a rookie cop. This mansion had three floors and was beautiful inside. We walked into an open door and our gut told us that someone was still inside. There was water still on a shower stall and a half cup of coffee was still warm on the kitchen table. We both searched the first level floor and no prowler. My partner than stated to me, “you search the other two levels and I will stay outside in case the prowler runs from you”. What? He wanted for me, a green rookie, to walk up a spiraling staircase by myself and search for this person? I thought he was nuts. But, I was a brave soul and began walking the staircase…..step by step. I stopped in the middle of the staircase and I could hear someone breathing really hard, just ahead of me. I failed to tell you that the mansion had no electricity and no lights. My trusty flashlight was the only light I had and the batteries were about dead in it. My heart began to pound much faster, as I took another step up the staircase. My flashlight was getting dimmer by the second. Suddenly, my partner shouts for me and I race to the outside of the mansion. My partner is in foot pursuit of the prowler and I followed. The man got away and frankly, I did not care. We secured the mansion and checked back into service.

Morale of this incident for rookie police officers….always have fresh batteries in your flashlight and always carry a clean pair of underwear.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That last one is FREAKY @Pied_Pfeffer! The second one about your sister is amazing.

@john65pennington So…the guy was in front of you, and then outside? Any idea how he did that without going past you?

Mariah's avatar

In a hotel lobby about a 6 hours’ drive from home, we (my family and I) saw a family friend from back home. That was pretty odd.

Sunny2's avatar

With my family, in the Rodin Museum in Paris, I ran into a student of mine and his family. I’d seen the student’s sister sitting alone and thought, “What a pretty French girl!” Then the student and his parents came by and we all got acquainted.

john65pennington's avatar

Dutchess III, yes maam, he jumped out of the second story window onto the ground and fled like a deer.

john65pennington's avatar

Also, in Jamaica, in the 80s, I ran across a police officer friend that I had not seen in 22 years.

babybadger's avatar

I walked into the grocery store with my mother and had the oddest craving for apple cider-flavored doughtnuts, which I’d had for the first time a few days ago. My mom had never heard of the flavor and as we were discussing it I walked up to a table loaded with the scrumptious delights. My mother was flabbergasted Love that word!

Paradox25's avatar

Personally I don’t believe in coincidences. There was a more recent dream I had where I’d dreamt I was in my basement searching for a whole bunch of old items, then my mom called me to tell me that my aunt found a whole bunch of older pictures of myself and others that same day. My mom had a tragic dream about the death of somebody very close to me where everything happened in vivid detail 2 weeks later just like in the dream. Another one is where the date of my brother’s death matched the digits on his phone number.

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