How did you learn about Fluther?
I was searching for something on google and found it by chance.
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28 Answers
From a real-life friend who convinced me to sign-up (thanks @Delirium)!
Googled a question. Ended up an Fluther for an answer.
I’m a refugee from AB…or whatever it was called back in 2009. I pulled up the site one morning and it was gone. Site was there, but it was unrecognizable. They had changed everything. I had no interest in the new format they had devised and neither did many of the people I knew on there (on which I was known as @writemyselfaletter). Most of us migrated to Fluther, about whose existence I had no prior knowledge. I simply came because others I knew were coming.
There is a huge difference between the two sites. There were many things about AB that I really liked. Fluther tends to polite discussion. On AB, there was at least one brawl a day, most of which turned out to be fun. But I would stay on the site for hours. Here, I’m on for a few minutes a day, which is probably better, since I do have a real life to lead.
A (defunct Q&A website) buddy had proweled about here and then posted a link on’s dying last pages about a possible good fit for some of us to go to.
I found it on a list of social networking sites on a SEM optimizer site.
My mom (augustlan) was an active member here and loved it, so I decided to check it out once I turned thirteen. I’m pretty sure it was before she was even a moderator, and definitely before she was Community Manager.
The argument debate/chat/silliness site I used to frequent (AiROW) shut down, and a bunch of us took refuge here.
AiROW came back (under a new name, Jyver) but I stayed here because I have grown to like it a lot. I peruse both these days. Mass exodus from a dying ship. : ( I was right behind MzVzzzBzzz I mean, @Neizvestnaya.
How come we never get tired of answering this question?!
Chemistry project. I actually didn’t find exactly what I needed on here, but I did end up procrastinating even more because I found myself stuck here clicking on everything.
I think I found it by Stumble Upon.
I googled why is introversion looked down upon by society and I got a few hits but fluther interested me since a forum was written about the topic. Out of curiousity I looked around on the site and it seemed unique compared to most others because of the various philosophical discussions I found on here. This was back in early 2010. This is my 3rd reincarnation on here as well.
I was lost in some back street in San Fransisco and I saw this dude with a jelly t-shirt. So I asked him where I was and how to get where I needed to go, and he walked me down the street and showed me how to go. I asked him about his t-shirt and he said it was a fluther t-shirt. I said, “but there’s only one jellyfish, and a fluther is a group of them.” He laughed, and gave me a card with the url on it and the rest is history. Never did get his name, though.
I haven’t the slightest idea.
There was a NY Times article back in 2007 which mentioned the site. I followed the link.
Auggie saw my questions and comments on facebook and told me to check out fluther.
Surfing the web while recovering from jet lag from a flight back from an asia.
Don’t remember what I was searching that landed me here. :-)
My friend was on it during class one day and he encouraged me to sign up. answered 3 questions that first , all while I should’ve been writing an essay. Don’t you love procrastination?
@wundayatta That is one of the coolest stories I’ve heard, no joke.
I was on another Q&A site that was taken over by nonsense, when a few of my favorite people there talked about Fluther. Soon, the exodus of interesting people drew me after in their wake.
My daughter tells us stories all the time, and some of them are made up, and we believe her. I guess I’m getting a taste of my own medicine. I’ll tell you this—about the 20th time you’ve answered the same question, you get really bored of yourself and start to make up things that didn’t happen, just to see if anyone will call you on it.
I did a search for something ‘soap-wise’ and I ran into a question that had been asked here that was right up my alley to answer, so I did, and I’ve been fascinated by the site every since.
A very strong undertow. A long, long time ago.
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