Any Pre-Thanksgiving or Post-Thanksgiving foods you enjoy each year?
Since Thanksgiving weekend means turkey to the nth degree, my husband and I used to meet with friends on the Weds. night and have Mexican food each year. I’m interested in reading others Pre or Post TG traditions.
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10 Answers
Beer cheese soup on Saturday. Usually with a sandwich made of the leftovers from Thursday.
Looking forward to turkey sandwiches all next week. Yum.
Turkey, cranberry and stuffing sammiches…
I’m working on Turkey Day, so I’ll be heating up some beef stew for lunch.
And having some beers before going over dad-in-law’s in the evening :)
Turkey Sandwiches and stuffing omelets.
post-turkey day of course
My parents usually visit for Thanksgiving and they have a favorite Vietnamese restaurant, so we always go there a day or two before thanksgiving. It’s only a “tradition” since I moved to the Memphis area. Also, honey baked ham is usually what is left over, so ham and cheese sandwiches. Sometimes we sneak some ham before Thanksgiving also.
Christmas Day many times is Chinese food like so many other Jewish people. Gotta fit some of the stereotypes. LOL.
I frequently cook two turkeys, because my oven holds two, and therefore I fill my freezer with turkey meals that last until way after Easter, plus several containers of turkey broth.
LIke so many others, turkey sandwiches are the best, and one almost looks forward to those more than to the actual Turkey day meal. I also love having pie for breakfast the day after. Pie never tastes better than for breakfast.
Funny. Pat Robertson had a young lady as guest on his program, and African American, and in talking about what stood out to each of them about her interview with Condi Rice, and Condi’s favorite Thanksgiving memory, what was essential, she mentioned Mac and Cheese. The video of Robertson’s genuinely stunned response has gone viral.
And I now want some Mac and Cheese. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it on the 24th. Happy Thursday to the rest.
I prefer the day after turkey sandwiches with bacon, tomato, lettuce, and mayo to the main day meal. And leftover pie. I can’t wait.
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