NSFW- Is this possible? Adults only please?
I was recently with my boyfriend and we did some things that I’m not sure about.
He ejaculated with me there, and after he was done, he washed his hands (He didn’t get it on his hands) but he washed them twice. Then later on he decided to finger me, but he barley got the tip of his finger in there and I had him to stop.
P.s I am a virgin and I have never had sex, also my hymen has not been popped.
Would there even be a possibility of pregnancy?
Thank you.
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10 Answers
You’ll have to be more direct if you want helpful answers. When you say “he ejaculated with me there”, be direct. Do you mean “inside my vagina”? If that’s what you mean, then you start the adult conversation and use the adult words to say exactly what you mean.
Obviously, his clean finger won’t make you pregnant. If he ejaculates in your vagina then the possibility is there, whether or not your hymen is still intact (now), because it may not be intact through the evening or the night, and I’m not certain of its permeability in any case.
If you’re having sex and don’t want to become pregnant (or possibly infected with an STD, if you aren’t absolutely certain of your partner’s disease status), then use protection. In fact, if you’re both young, healthy and active, it would not be remiss to use two forms of protection.
@CWOTUS No, not inside my vagina. Nowhere near it. I think I may just be overreacting! Thank you so much.
If he didn’t get it on his hands, then no, there is a low probability.
Sperm cells can live for awhile outside the body, but if he had some trace on his hands for some reason, then washed them, I would assume you are safe. They are pretty fragile to begin with, and that is pretty rough handling. Any trace that made it through was probably damaged due to the temperature changes and being dried out by the soap. Then making it through the hymen? Not happening.
And no, we are not planning on having sex anytime soon at all. We have done other things but that’s about it. I will not let him ejaculate anywhere near my vagina or even my legs. And also he washed his hands even though he had nothing on them. He actually washed them twice to make sure, then it was about 20 minutes later when he decided to finger me.
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Okay, I understand. And like I said he washed his hands twice before doing anything to me. Thanks!
It is possible, but very, very improbable. The odds would be one in a billion or so.
That said, you need to be more careful. Don’t let him finger you after ejaculating.
@filmfann Alright, thanks so much! I would highly doubt I am considering he washed his hands twice and waited a bit. I think im just overreacting, really!
It sounds like your boyfriend is actually a very considerate person from what I see here.
Might I suggest that you thank him for being a proper sort?
No. Washed hands do not maintain an environment for viable sperm.
Semen dries and becomes “dead” quickly, think pollywogs in a dried up puddle. lol
Not if he washed his hands well.
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