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john65pennington's avatar

Was this a tv blooper for Allstate?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) November 26th, 2011

I have watched this commercial at least five times and I have yet to see the airbag, in this car, eject for the driver. This is an Allstate auto insurance commercial, where Mayhem is lying on the front floorboard and telling the driver to turn suddenly to the right and hits a parked vehicle. It’s a sudden impact and the airbag should have ejected for the driver, but did not.

Question: was this a tv blooper?

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11 Answers

Judi's avatar

I was in an accident and the airbag didn’t eject. I think it’s just another element of mayhem.

marinelife's avatar

Perhaps the car was not equipped with airbags.

Perhaps the airbag was faulty.

Perhaps they thought the airbag would get in the way of the point of the commercial.

JilltheTooth's avatar

The car wasn’t kept up to date, remember that the GPS was off because it hadn’t been upgraded. Maybe the lack of maintenance also was responsible for the non-deployment of the airbag.

john65pennington's avatar

It was a newer car and you would think Allstate would have caught this. The driver hit the parked car at about 30 to 35 mph (estimate) and the bag should have ejected.

Does not say much for Allstate.

marinelife's avatar

@john65pennington They may not have wanted an airbag in the last shot. it would have kind of taken over.

JilltheTooth's avatar

And maybe the guy disabled the airbag because he thinks they are unsafe. Or maybe the car is just a lemon. Or maybe…or maybe…

john65pennington's avatar

Marinelife, the airbag should have taken over? It sets a bad example for Allstate. At least, here.

They appeared to be more interested in money and Mayhem, than true reality.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well….they probably felt that it would distract from the commercial for whatever reason. Possibly because the commercials are rather light hearted, in spite of the theme, and an air bag deploying would take the “fun” out of.

MrItty's avatar

You’re expecting commercials to depict reality? More specifically, you’re expecting a commercial in which a human being portrays a GPS device to depict reality?

That’s not an All State blooper. That’s your very own personal blooper.

marinelife's avatar

@john65pennington Making money is the point of the commercial.

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