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mazingerz88's avatar

What were the movies you've seen in theaters lately and how did you find them?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) November 27th, 2011

I’ve seen quite a few, The Descendants, Hugo, Tower Heist, Twilight and The Immortals. Wondering if there are other interesting choices to try. Thanks!

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35 Answers

TheIntern55's avatar

I saw Puss in Boots. It was okay, but I believe it proved that Dreamworks has officially run the Shrek franchise dry.
I’m going to see The Muppets on Friday and hope to see Hugo at some point. It looks very interesting!

mazingerz88's avatar

@TheIntern55 Yes, my opinion is Hugo was indeed very well made and the $14.50 I paid for the 3D ticket was well worth it. One of the best 3D films so far.

flutherother's avatar

I saw “Take Shelter” yesterday. It is a little overlong but brilliantly acted story of a man’s descent into mental illness.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’ve only seen Twilight: Breaking Dawn recently, but I intend to see Immortals, and I’ll take my kids to see Hugo.

Glad to hear that Hugo was good. Did it follow the book pretty closely?

mazingerz88's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I have not read the book but tend to think that a lot gets lost once a book is adapted into a movie. It becomes something else entirely yet if it comes close to the heart of the original story, that’s a major achievement already, imo.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Muppets tomorrow, can’t wait! I stood on line to see the Muppet Movie in 1979, now I actually have a child well, she’s almost 23, but whatever to take with me!

Aethelflaed's avatar

Anonymous. It was actually quite good, so long as you’re able to see it as “historical fantasy” and not (as the people behind it so hoped) “a plausible explanation of history based on evidence” (because, no, there is no evidence.)

dappled_leaves's avatar

Hugo. I absolutely loved every moment of it.

janbb's avatar

@Aethelflaed I really liked Anonymous as a historical fantasy too.

Saw **The Muppets** today. Fairly fun.

**The Descendants** I found so-so.

**Fifty/fifty** very good.

**Margin Call** – ok.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@janbb ; When I saw 50/50 there was a lot about it that I liked, but I found myself laughing in different places than the rest of the audience. It was disconcerting. I figured I was the only cancer survivor in the theater. Interesting to see the different perspective.

janbb's avatar

@JilltheTooth Yes, I can imagine. I wondered how a cancer survivor would feel.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@janbb It actually bums me out a bit to read all the reviews, because they’re all so much about how this isn’t a supported theory, and while that’s all true and everything, so little of the reviews spend even a paragraph on things like lighting, casting, directing, writing, scenery, costume design, pacing, acting – all the things a movie review would normally include. And I wish they’d make that clear, that they’re reviewing the theory and not the actual movie.

janbb's avatar

@Aethelflaed Yes, clearly **shakespeare in Love** wasn’t true either. I found this a rollicking good yarn.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have seen:

Immortals – very gory, not my cup of tea.
Tower Heist – I liked it. It was good to see Alan Alda and to see Eddie Murphy in a decent movie.
Harold and Kumar – The first I have seen in the series. Fun 3D stuff and I laughed out loud.
The Muppet Movie – Loved it. It was cheesy and happy and wonderful with lots of awesome cameos.
Jack and Jill – An hour and a half of my life I’ll never get back. Al Pacino’s cameo is fun though.
J.Edgar – Very well made and DiCaprio chews the scenery as J.Edgar Hoover. I liked all but the horrible make-up job on Armie Hammer as the aged Clyde Tolson and the unsettling way DiCaprio as the aged Hoover bore an uncanny resemblance to Jack Nicholson.

martianspringtime's avatar

I rarely go to the movies, but the last five I went to were Midnight in Paris, Fright Night, One Day, Harry Potter, and…I can’t think of another. I do want to see Hugo though.

I’d vaguely heard of Midnight in Paris but didn’t realize it was a Woody Allen movie until my friend told me about it. It was fantastic.
Fright Night I only went to see because I heard that David Tennant was in it. If he weren’t, it would have been awful. But he was, and he wore leather pants and was a total lush, so I saw it twice.
One Day I went to see because Matt Berry was in it, though only for like two minutes. Ended up leaving after he left the screen because it was absolutely awful.
Harry Potter, of course, needs no explanation. I loved it; definitely my favourite of the film adaptations.

MissAusten's avatar

The only movie I’ve seen lately is the Muppet Movie. I took my kids, and we all loved it. What a trip down memory lane! I’ve never been to a kids’ movie where the moms and dads laughed more than the kids. My kids had a lot of fun, the cameos were great, and the story was cute. The only downside is having that “manah manah” song stuck in your head for days after seeing the movie. It won’t go awaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!!!!!!!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@MissAusten : Just back from that… maniacal laugh!!!! Oh yeah, and “manah manah”

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@JilltheTooth and @MissAusten I’m a game nerd, so here’s my favorite version of Manah Manah. It’s so stupid it’s funny. I love World of Warcraft videos, lol.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate : And I’d just gotten that out of my head!!! Curse you, you skeevy kitteh!

SuperMouse's avatar

@JilltheTooth and @MissAusten Ever since I left the theater I have been searching for an 80’s robot! Man I want me one of those.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I also want to travel by map.

janbb's avatar

When my Jake was about 10 months old, he demanded that my DIL sing Manah manah repeatedly.

mazingerz88's avatar

@JilltheTooth @MissAusten @WillWorkForChocolate Jesus Muppety Christ! I can’t take this anymore! Im going out right now to see this Muppet movie!!!! I’ve spent so much money watching a lot last week I figured I don’t need to see it but…shoot…I should not have asked this question! LOL!

Also, some three nights ago, I was walking from American University to the metro station when I happen to pass by the ABC TV studios and saw a commemorative display outside showing historical TV events that happened there. Nixon and Kennedy’s second debate etc. And then it said, that was where Jim Henson came to perform his very first muppet show! Nice. : )

JilltheTooth's avatar

Our work here is done, we have brought @mazingerz88 over to the…not dark, Muppets aren’t dark…whatever side! <maniacal laugh, maniacal laugh!>

MissAusten's avatar

I am so mad right now. I finally got manah manah out of my head, and all you bastards just brought it back. :P

And I totally want to travel by map as well!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@MissAusten : Party favor fish… is that better?

mazingerz88's avatar

< traveling outside in the cold and the rain just to see these darn muppets…harumpph…I’m going to sneak in some serious food inside so nobody better make the mistake of chastising me over that…I’m bringing in real hotdogs from Five Guys…this better be not in 3D…lol….>

JilltheTooth's avatar

Have a good time! I don’t see how you couldn’t….

SuperMouse's avatar

@mazingerz88 it will be totally worth your while!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@MissAusten Call me a bastard, will you?

Manah manah, doo doo doo doo doo, manah manah, doo doo doo doo, manah manah, doo doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo, doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!


mazingerz88's avatar

I came, I saw, I loved it!! Darn it, didn’t I take a vow never to cry to songs like Rainbow Connection?!! Well at least I’m still a man, not a muppeeeet! Ok, here goes…

Manah manah…

JilltheTooth's avatar

Ha ha ha! Yay! I’m so glad you saw it… now I want to see it again, the “man or a muppet” number had me laughing out loud all the way through (I love Jim Parsons).

manah manah

MissAusten's avatar

We went to the library and I found out they have entire seasons of The Muppet Show on DVD!!!!!! Guess what we’re doing tonight! Oh yeah!

JilltheTooth's avatar

It’s time to play the music…it’s time to light the lights! Statler and Waldorf, we’re on the way!

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