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rebbel's avatar

Two anecdotes. One true, one false. Wanna play?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) November 27th, 2011

The idea is this: A Jelly gives two little anecdotes.
One has really happened, the other has been made up.
The next Jelly tries to determine which one of the anecdotes stated by the above Jelly is true or false.
And if he/she pleases, gives one true and one false story her-/himself.
And so on….

- I once, accidentally, set fire to an, abandoned, community center.
It didn’t burn down to the ground but fire engines were needed to extinguish it.

- In one week time I won a radio quiz five times and was awarded with five theatre tickets and an umbrella.

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31 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think you set fire to the community center, you pyro!

Once upon a time my German Shepherd went clear over a 6 foot fence in the middle of the night to protect a six year old who was wandering around the neighborhood crying and lost.


Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@rebbel Is the first statement true about the fire?
@Dutchess_III Come on friend…try again with one truth and one lie..

- I went out on a double-date with Michael Jordan (famous American basketball player) in the 80’s.
– I think my sister is really my mother.

rebbel's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer and @Dutchess_III Yes, I was a pyro ;-)
Michael Jordan was a lucky bastard for one evening, @Pied_Pfeffer!
Edit: I am sorry, @marinelife, that I sneaked in before you….

marinelife's avatar

You do think your sister is your mother.

I almost choked to death in a large crowd of people, but a stranger came out of the night and hit me on the back dislodging the piece of food.

I once met Lee Marvin, the actor.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think you met Lee Marvin!

I used to play basketball against Lynette Woodard

I once came face to face with Kevin Costner in an elevator at a hotel in Wichita.

AshLeigh's avatar

I think you do weird things in elevators…

I punched my pastor today.
I most likely made my dads hair go grey. :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, if I was my sister, both of my responses would have been true!

babybadger's avatar

You most likely made your dad’s hair go gray

A local once shot milk straight from a cow’s udder into my mouth
I am the youngest of a family of 7.

AshLeigh's avatar

No, my dad’s bald! >:)

babybadger's avatar

You punched your pastor! May I ask why?

AshLeigh's avatar

I punched him in the fist… Because he held it up, and said “Pound it! Good to see you, sister Ash-Leigh.” :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s was cool @AshLeigh! Had us goin’!

I was living only 5 miles from the epicenter of the earthquake that hit San Fran in 1983. The one that leveled the over passes. I was just driving along in my VW when WHAM!! I thought all four tires had blown at the same time.

I was camping 30 miles from Mt. St. Helens when it blew the first time in 1980. WHAM! Again. Ash EVERYWHERE.

AshLeigh's avatar

What can I say? I’m a trickster at heart. :)

Blondesjon's avatar

I got my penis stuck, A Christmas Story style, to our television antennae while peeing outside with my dogs in the middle of January.

I have taken part in not one but two llama castrations.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I go with castrations @Blondesjon!

You’re supposed to guess which of my two up there are true! Well…if I was my OTHER sister they’d both be true. I have no life.

I was trapped in an elevator for 4 hours during a power outage.

A horse once stepped on my hand when I was underwater, and I couldn’t get up.

Blondesjon's avatar

sorry. i think the horse story is true.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, it’s true. Scared the crap out of me for a few seconds!
Was my guess about you right?

I met my future husband at a singles group.

I met my future husband in a lawn mower shop.

tedibear's avatar

@Dutchess_III , I think it was the lawn mower shop.

I have been to 41 of the 50 states in the U.S.
I have an intense fear of dogs from an incident with a large dog when I was six.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep. I’d tried bars. I’d tried Christian singles get togethers. I tried online dating. Who would have thunk I’d meet The Man in a dirty, greasy, grungy lawn mower repair shop!

You have been to 41 states.

tedibear's avatar

Correct! I love dogs and don’t think one has scared me yet.

Somebody else needs to go now…

bkcunningham's avatar

Wait, I want to know about @Blondesjon‘s penis and his llama balls.

Blondesjon's avatar

oh, if i only had a dime for every time i’ve heard that.

babybadger's avatar

lol. Well which one’s true @Blondesjon ? Nobody guessed for mine! Just saying.

geeky_mama's avatar

@babybadger: You’re the youngest of 7..and perhaps from Wisconsin?

Here are my two:

a) My future husband and I met in Tokyo and on our first outing together he saved my life – or at least prevented my certain dismemberment.

b) I went on tour with the first Lollapalooza and lunched with Henry Rollins and Ice-T.

babybadger's avatar

@geeky_mama- Nope! I’m the oldest of three, and a local shot milk at me when I was on a trip in Australia. He said, “It’s good to get some bacteria in ya!” Great times.

Your future husband saved your life or certian dismemberment – how sweet and fairy tale-ish :)

geeky_mama's avatar

Yep. You got it.
I cheated a bit—both are true to an extent..except I sat at the table next to Ice-T and Henry Rollins at lunch with my buddies (after chatting with Ice).
And, my (now) husband did save my life or at least my leg when I failed to “mind the gap” getting on the Yamanote-sen. I didn’t much like him before that..but funny how that little incident positively colored my opinion of him. ;)

AshLeigh's avatar

I fill my days watering cactus’s. :)

I just told someone “I’d punch you in the crotch, if I didn’t think my hand wouldn’t get herpes…” :D

TheIntern55's avatar

I think the second one.
1) When I was 4, I went to Niagara Falls and came back to tell everyone in my church I went to Viagra Falls.
2) I once dialed 911 from the pay phone in my school.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^^ The second, Viagra would not have resonated back then. ^^

A> I won the Daily Three lotto about three times over the last two years.

B> I have only been stopped twice in my lifetime DWB.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, it was the first one. I’m 14, so it wasn’t that long ago. But my friend did once dial 911 from the pay phone after I dared him to. There are no longer pay phones in any of my town’s public schools.
I’m thinking A. Don’t know why.

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