General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How do you calm down when you're so excited you're nervous?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37844points) November 27th, 2011

I’ve been working on an important project for about 6 weeks, and it’s coming to fruition this week. I’m really excited. In fact, I’m too excited. I would like some ideas on how to calm down.

What do you do to calm down when you’re too excited about something?

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10 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Break a leg, @Hawaii_Jake! You will be fine. You have to take the emotional lead with your cast. In the course of leading, you will calm right down.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, @Hawaii_Jake , are you wanting to frow up? I don’t blame you, this is a BIG deal! How about using the serenity prayer as a kind of mantra at this time? I get myself into a tizzy sometimes over things like this, then before it starts I just imagine how I’m going to relax after. In your case, opening night.. I imagine where I’ll sit, who I’ll be with, what kind of herbal tea I might brew. The little details of imagination are sometimes soothing, especially because the supposition is that everything went well.

philosopher's avatar

Deep breathing, Meditation and any exercise.

Sunny2's avatar

If you can’t be calm, neither will your cast be. Pull yourself up to your full height. Shut your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Smile and say, “Yes I can.” Smile at everyone. “The work is done. What happens now is what will happen. It is what it is.” Then, if you have to run to the bathroom and vomit. Seriously, it’s time to relax and breathe deeply. With a smile on your face. May all your wishes come true.

wundayatta's avatar

Excitement is a good thing. It gives you lots of energy. Unless there is a particular reason why you shouldn’t be excited (and I have no idea what you have been working on), you should use that energy to do an even better job.

lillycoyote's avatar

My anxiety tends to be very physically based so when I get that way, I find a good brisk walk very helpful in reducing my stress. I’m not the kind of person who can meditate or listen to relaxation tapes or mellow music to calm me down, at least not most of the time. If I’m really out of whack, I listen to some kind of “pump it up” music so I can really pick up the pace of the walk and just pound that anxiety out of myself onto the sidewalk. About a half hour or 45 minutes of that works great for me.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Drink some water w/drops of valerian root tincture in it.

linguaphile's avatar

Find a friend to do a big furious shared from-your-toes-outward scream with. Trust me, it’s worth it—you’ll probably end up laughing which is the best thing.

Congratulations on this project!!! Nobody deserves it more!

stratman37's avatar

@JilltheTooth – “frow up” – that’s funny!

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