Meta Question

XOIIO's avatar

Has our leader been modded, by another mod?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) November 28th, 2011

Since I can’t name names, I won’t, but I’ve wondered this for a long time. Has our leader, the very life force of Fluther, ever been modded by another mod, for any reason at all? Would any such mod have the courage, nay, the sheer and utter disrespect to turn their back on our god, and say “u dun f*cked up”?

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19 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I have, indeed. I took it like a woman. :)

I have also personally moderated a founder, and more than once.

XOIIO's avatar


Our god has blessed us with her every wise words. I am not worthy. *drops to knees *

Judi's avatar

Remember when the name of the person who was modded would stay?
Those were the days!

Jude's avatar

This sounds kinda hot. Just sayin’.

TheIntern55's avatar

Should we guess which founder now? ;)

ratboy's avatar

Modified flounder? Genetic engineering here?

Berserker's avatar

I modded her before, to see if you could get an award that way.

It didn’t work.

Kardamom's avatar

@Symbeline You didn’t mod her to get an award, you modded her because you liked the punishment you received afterwards. : )

wundayatta's avatar

Who is our leader? I didn’t realize we had one. I know we have founders and I know we have moderators and I know we have a community manager, but I didn’t realize there was a leader. Please excuse my ignorance, as I am somewhat socially inept, and often don’t get these things.

Kardamom's avatar

@wundayatta Who do you think is driving this submarine?

wundayatta's avatar

@Kardamom No one in particular. It’s not a submarine. It’s more like a plague. Although a not very virulent kind since it isn’t spreading that fast. Can’t wait ‘til we go viral!

Dog's avatar

Well, truth be told, Andrew and Ben chose us lady mods just because they like it when we mod them. just sayin’

Berserker's avatar

@wundayatta So this place is like a lazy zombie outbreak.

Dude if I ever make a band, that’s what I’m gonna call it, Lazy Zombie Outbreak.

TheIntern55's avatar

@Dog Well, I’ll never look at you guys the same again…

wundayatta's avatar

@Symbeline LZO for short. Do you have a musical talent? Not that that’s required, but I’m just curious. And I’m going to hear your gig no matter what! Who could stay away from a band named LZO?

Berserker's avatar

No musical talents. I can tapdance though, (or could, years ago) and scream really loud. I might need another member to blow in Viking horns or bang on garbage lids. XD

Kardamom's avatar

@Symbeline I went to see a band last year. We were about five rows back. I kept noticing that one of the females, was not playing an instrument and she wasn’t singing. I asked my SO what was up with that. He didn’t know. Finally, when I was able to get a better look, I noticed that this young lady was tap dancing, actually adding percussion to the music. I LOL’d and thought that was geniuis! She was super cute and I realized that the unusual drumming sensation that I heard, that seemed not to be coming from the drummer was this cute girl tap dancing : )

I am so afraid that I cannot recall what the name of the band was : (

wundayatta's avatar

@Symbeline If you promise not to use amplification, I’ll come see your band, so long as I can sit in a back row… near the exit.

I have sensitive ears.

Now once I went to a music workshop and one of the exercises was to stand face to face and scream as loud as we could. It was really quite fascinating how that ended up. I would definitely scream in your face, if you want.

Oh S! You are so one of my favorite people on fluther! Please don’t follow your former comrades in arms to Exitville.

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