Will my Great Pyrneese puppy ever stop biting and jumping on humans?
She is 4 months old and weighes 70 pounds. She has way too much energy, especially when she greets someone. She jumps and hugs the person. This is disturbing and dangerous for some people. And, she never stops biting. My hands and arms look like I have just fought an alligator. Question: so, what does the future hold with this “monster puppy”? Is the puppy’s behavior ever going to be worth this effort?
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20 Answers
Uh oh. You are going to have to be less laid back and more strict with boundaries. Use your policeman side ;)
Big puppy breeds take longer to mature. She is still teething too and will be for quite awhile. I am not entirely sure but think most dogs start losing their baby teeth around her age and the process can take a few months.
Yes, just be firm and consistent with her training, don;t send mixed messages, just like kids, that one day it’s okay to jump and the next it is not.
Don’t play tug of war and other games that involve her trying to gain dominance over you.
She might also be an alpha female so she will need a firm hand compared to a more submissive female.
4 – 6 months old is a puppies terrible twos phase. lol
Did you try and follow my instructions on retraining your puppy, John?
When she attemptes to bite you say “Ow, ow, ow” in a loud high-pitched voice. She does not realize that she is hurting you. You need to stop this behavior right away.
When she jumps on you (or anyone) have the person turn a quarter turn away from her. She will fall off. Say “No” loudly. The do not pay attention to her until she is calm. If she attempts to jump up again, turn a quarter turn away again.
I still think she needs to be in a puppy obedience class. It will help you to take her. You will learn to understand her behavior and get techniques to cope with her.
Take care. She is worth the investment of your time and money.
Invest in her training now to have a lifetime of a good dog. Take her to puppy class, and talk to a reputable trainer about how to deal with her behaviors.
Thanks everyone. I will use the training techniques you have suggested. Maybe I should handcuff her???
But, what about the water that drips from its mouth and leaves a stream 8 feet long???
Slobber, slobber, slobber…......
Haha…I used to have a big hound dog with jowl flanges that could hold cupfulls of water. Nothing you can do about that! Drool towel on standby by the water bowl. lol
She will she will she will!! All she needs is a few extra kisses and hugs!!
Invoking this phrase may help…
“You have the right to remain a hushed puppy. Any whining, whimpering or growling can and will be held against you in a court of canine law. You have the right to mooch and lick an attorney’s butt named Goofy. If you cannot track down Goofy, Pluto will be assigned to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been barked to you?”
Jumping on someone, particularly “hugging,” is a form of dominance behaviour and should not be tolerated. The best way to deal with this is to gently but firmly push the dog on its back and hold it there with a hand on its chest until it stops squirming. This shows dominance over the dog and expresses displeasure with its behaviour.
The important thing is to be consistent. It’s actually possible to permanently ruin a dog and make it forever incapable of being trained by giving it inconsistent correction. If a dog loses the desire to please through being unable to determine what is good and what is bad behaviour, it can no longer be trained. Such a dog is dangerous and should be put down. It is very important that you never tolerate any level of aggressive behaviour, whether it’s biting, jumping, hugging, or humping.
Abounding energy or not, she seems to think this is acceptable behavior.
Whether she is starved for attention or affection, you have to draw lines on certain behavior.
From what I know of Great Pyrenees their temperament towards people is very loving and affectionate, but in a very independent way. They usually have very little desire to run around and jump up on people, but rather will push their heads or bodies towards you to encourage a pet. They are very effective and insistent at soliciting attention from you at times using their bodies and paws to attract your attention.
Make sure she is aware that nipping and biting is not allowed by a quick ow sound followed by not giving attention. Perhaps you are missing some of these early cues for attention.
Also, train basic hand/verbal signals like sit, down, stay, come. Reward when done right. This basic training will get her to understand that there are limits and there is a language between you.
What?… Posts of Puppy Pyrenees with no Pretty Picture to Prove it?
120 days is nothing for puppy. Just keep working with him. And don’t think of taking him back. He needs a firm but loving hand.
Being a livestock guard breed you may want to put a few sheep or goats in your backyard. Give her a big dog job. lol
Sorry, about not posting her pix. I failed pix to Fluther in Photo 101. I am willing to learn.
From experience with a dog that drooled all the time, I carried a drool rag with me at all times. If slung on the walls, 409 usually cleans it right up if left to dry.
I recommend you take her to puppy training classes. This is a great way to socialise her with people and other dogs in a controlled enviroment and help her with her manners. At 4 months old I am not surprised that she is jumping up and mouthing when she greets people, many puppies do this and it’s simply because they have not yet learnt how to control their excitement and greet people in a calm, polite manner. It’s up to you to teach her this.
I wouldn’t recommend doing what @SmashTheState has suggested. I have seen many people copy this “technique” after watching Cesar Milan and caused their puppies to become nervous and show signs of fear aggression. The average pet owner can cause more harm than good by copying Cesar Milan and getting it wrong. Evan Cesar himself recommends to consult with a professional rather than trying his techniques at home, yourself.
Strict training is necessary. When she jumps up at you, say a sharp “no!” then fold your arms and turn your back on her, remain still and silent until she stops. That worked wonders for my dog and she stopped that behavior in about 2 weeks.
Play-biting is more difficult at that age because she will be teething. Make sure she has chewable toys to use instead of your hands. If she bites your hand, again a sharp “No!” and hold her muzzle closed for a few moments. That’s what mother dogs do to their pups when they bite or bark. Again, I’ve used this technique on my dog, though it took a little longer to break her of the habit (not helped by my partner who liked to play-fight with her).
My Pitch is a wolf hybrid. I found him on the street as a puppy. He was so wild and ferrel for so long that most of my friends said he was actually a non domesticateable wild animal. It went on long enough that I almost began thinking tbey were right. Had it not been for the vet explaining what he was, I may have given him up.
I was advised to discipline him as a pack would, rather than a human child. My hands and fingers became mouth and fangs, which could bring pleasure or pain depending upon the behavior I wanted to discourage or promote. His constant nipping and biting were met with forceful pinching on his jowl, just as an older pack member would do, clamping down hard until the submissive yipe was heard. We also shared a rope and played tug o war constantly to relieve his teething. Praise and play always followed hard discipline. His biting stopped within days.
Jumping was always met with a defensive farward moving knee, and followed up with @SmashTheState‘s advice, and then comforting reconciliation. The jumping stopped within days.
Feeding time was spent with my fingers buried in his bowl, and he learned to gently navigate food competitions or suffer the conscequences… Just like a pack.
Pitch is currently the happiest most loveable non agressive animal that I’ve ever seen.
My rescue was quite a handful. It takes love, patience and she should take lessons from Mikey, or put him in the shower. jk.
Puppy will grow up, and will slobber, but she will be amazing!
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