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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

American jellies, five days after Thanksgiving, how much turkey do you still have left?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37846points) November 29th, 2011

A little or a lot?


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29 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

We ate at Black Angus that day, so nada.

YARNLADY's avatar

I cooked a 16 pound turkey, and fed 8 adults and 2 preschoolers the first day. I then made turkey salad and turkey turnovers the second day. I also cooked three gallons of broth, which is in the freezer.

On the third Day, I cooked up a huge pot of rice/turkey/peas casserole, and on the fourth day, I added a can of corn and a can of tomatoes to the rice casserole. Today, we had turkey Quesadillas for lunch and more Turkey rice mix for dinner, with salsa and cheese on top, served with fresh bread out of the bread machine

I have fed 5 adults lunch and dinner every day with the turkey, and I still have a gallon cannister full of meat, to be made into Mexican Fiesta salad, followed by Turkey Lasagna.

JilltheTooth's avatar

A couple of pounds are packaged up and in the freezer. I sent some home with my guests as well, ate some after, and I’m kind of surprised to have some left…

bobbinhood's avatar

We don’t have any. We visited my husband’s aunt and uncle for Thanksgiving, so they made the turkeys. They sent us home with a bit, but not too much since they have four teenage boys to keep full. We enjoyed the leftovers immensely, but they are now gone.

picante's avatar

Zero. My husband is a turkey-eating machine. We might have had five pounds or so left over, and it was gone within 48 hours.

wonderingwhy's avatar

None, as we didn’t make turkey. Otherwise we ran out Thanksgiving leftovers Saturday night with the exception of a couple biscuits which is how we planned it, having given away the majority of the goodies to our guests.

Judi's avatar

I left it at my daughters house. I can’t afford to have those extra calories laying around! Leftovers are my nemesis.

zenvelo's avatar

All gone. My sister-in-law gave us all take home packages, so she had the carcass (for soup) and one day’s worth of sandwiches for her and my brother. The rest of us had just enough to make it a day or two.

Coloma's avatar

I cooked a turkey breast only, not a whole bird, so none left over here. My neighbors though are giving me turkey soup tonight. :-)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

None, but I didn’t cook at my house this year. The leftover turkey that my mother sent home with us lasted three days. I didn’t do anything creative with it, but I could probably eat leftover turkey as it is for weeks on end and never get sick of it.

marinelife's avatar

I just took the meat off the bone, and there was quite a pile of it left. We had an 11½ lb. turkey just the two of us so even after having several meals off it, thee is more. I am putting the carcass on for soup.

Ela's avatar

None. I did not host a Thanksgiving dinner.

I think the best thing to make with the left over’s though, are hot turkey sandwiches with potatoes and tons of gravy. YummY!

erichw1504's avatar

Zero turkeys left here. OM NOM NOM.

JLeslie's avatar

A little under half a pound I would guess.

We had probably 2 pounds left over on Thursday. I made a pot pie yesterday that used up most of what was left.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m about to make another pot of soup (I freeze a boat load of stock from the carcass) and pull out of the freezer a package of the shreddy bits I save just for this purpose…

Ela's avatar

turkey never had a chance. eh @erichw1504? LOL

erichw1504's avatar

I had turkey, then turkey sammiches, then turkey soup, turkey stew, turkey meatballs, turkey burgers, turkey burritos, turkey and pasta, turkey on a stick, turkey cake…

…and I think that’s about it.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t know how big a turkey my mother got—I’m guessing 18 lbs. There were nine of us, including two children, plus and extra two on leftover night. There were also five pies and a bundt cake.

As of Saturday morning, there was a third of a breast and the carcass left. We left that morning, so I don’t know what my mother did with the rest, but I think that was just about the fastest we destroyed a Thanksgiving turkey in my lifetime.

In addition, there were barely enough mashed potatoes leftover for potato pancakes the day after. And damn! There were some creamed onions, but not enough to serve Friday night, but I didn’t get any before we left. Double damn! I think I may love creamed onions more than anything else at Thanksgiving dinner, although it is all so good!

WestRiverrat's avatar

None, the duck was gone Friday. Kangaroo was gone Thursday. I barely got a taste, and I cooked it.

Coloma's avatar

I do have about 8 jars of my delicious cranberry-apple relish left and can’t wait to serve it with ham at Christmas. Mmm. I can’t decide which it complements best, poultry or pork. Both! :-D

gailcalled's avatar

The gobble. RIP

TheIntern55's avatar

My family had ham instead of turkey, but I can assure you that I made it my duty not to leave any behind. I suceeded.
@YARNLADY Wow, you’re response made me so hungry. It all sounds delicious.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@JilltheTooth : I didn’t host the festivities, so I only had one plate of food to bring home. That lasted 2 meals though and was delicious.

King_Pariah's avatar

Enough that I don’t want to see turkey again… til maybe sometime next year.

muppetish's avatar

None! The turkey was picked up periodically as a snack, made into turkey melt sandwiches (with gouda and pesto), taquitos, single-serving pot pies (with tomato sauce, carrots, peas, etc.), and the last was served yesterday with mole sauce. I almost wish we had another turkey because it made us creative :)

We had a twenty pound turkey that fed fourteen guests. The leftovers served six of us for the weekend.

creative1's avatar

Since I just cooked mine up Sunday I have alot left and going to make one of my favorites Turkey Soup tomorrow.

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