So many Interesting Comments here. and I agree with most of them.
But I would Like to Say 3 things.
1. What a person thinks about Islam, All DEPENDS on how much they have studied the FACTS and DEPENDING on what FACTS they have studied. . A person Could think of Robes and another person who has been deeper in study, could think of the Historical Side of Islam.
2. A Poster Named ( JLeslie ) – STATED that ( ” Now that Sarah had her own baby she cast out Hagar and Ismael. Isaac continued the traditions of the Jewish Religion. Ishmael led people to Islamic beliefs. ”
But there is no Evidence that these Statements are true. The Ancient Scriptures Say that HAGAR and ISHMAEL were Tormenting, Persecuting and Hateful to Sarah and Isaac. And that Sarah never did anything Wrong or to hurt Hagar. Hagar Saw she was Pregnant and thereafter begin to treat Sarah with Contempt and Hate.
The Scriptures also say that ISHMAEL as well, Tormented and Persecuted Isaac and Mocked and tried to Hurt Him. So GOD Commanded Abraham to KICK Hagar and Ishmael out.
Sarah was RECORDED in Scriptures as STATING ** ” Gen 16:5 Violence / Evil / Oppression – Is Come Against or About. I have given my maid into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was DESPISED in her eyes: the LORD judge between me and thee.
And Gal 4:29 – Stated that Ishmael persecuted Isaac.
My Third Comment would be that, NEVER in any biblical NOR World HISTORY is Ishmael NOR His Descendants RECORDED as Serving the God of Abraham. This ideology was Fathered By Mohammud.
The Scriptures Do Say that the ISHMAELITES Made WAR and HATE against the Jews and tried to EXTERMINATE and Destroy them and their Temples and Civilization.
Sarah is the eXample that God Commands Women to follow. She practiced Biblical, Godly polygamy and when Hagar Rebelled and Became HATEFULL and began to despise Sarah and Ishmael Hurting and tormenting Isaac. THEN. – God commanded Abraham to Kick these Horrible people out of His Home.
the FACTS Show that Ishmael Never LED people to Islamic beliefs.
And Islamic Beliefs were INVENTED by Mohammud . Before Mohammud, there were no Islamic Scriptures, Artifacts nor Evidence of Islam eXisting.
You Can Choose to Take Mohammud As Your Father, revelator and your Prophet – , concerning YOUR Faith. Or the Facts.