(NSFW) Men: If you could pleasure yourself in this way...would you?
I was having this conversation last night with the guy I am dating, that if a guy could felate himself, he would. Would you? His response was no and that it would be gay. So what I am trying to get at is 1A) If you could felate yourself, would you and 1B) If not, why and do you consider it gay?
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35 Answers
I’d never leave the house – or get out of bed.
Yes, because I know my body better than anyone, so I know what I like.
Yeah sure, suck it & see right?
I mean, so jerking off is gay according to that dude’s philosophy.
You evidently didn’t hear the one about two guys walking along and they see a dog licking his balls. “Don’t you wish you could do that?” One guy says to the other. “Yeah, but he’d probably bite me.”
Yeah, but it wouldn’t be as good as having a woman do it. She has access to areas of my body that I can’t reach no matter how flexible I am. But yeah, I’d do it, and if I swallow or not, no one ever has to know. ;-)
As to your date—if the smallest intimation of gayness scares him, then I would be very concerned about his masculinity issues. I’d worry about him going overboard trying to prove how masculine he is and that might mean he wouldn’t treat me with the respect I’d want. Just a thought.
@ucme That’s exactly what I tried to reason with him about, but he wasn’t seeing the jerking off thing my way. He even called a friend right in front of me to confirm his view that sucking yourself off is gay. I told him I would ask the collective and show him that there are straight guys who would do this and no consider it “gay.”
@Adirondackwannabe LOL!
Your date sounds pretty homophobic.
I happen to be capable of autofellatio, it’s not my cuppa tea. Enough said on that.
Just read the thing your date said about it being wrong to do cause it’s gay. As if doing something gay was a bad thing, silly bugger. Men should start becoming more damn secure about their own sexuality. It’s about time we stopped being so homophobic.
Men don’t turn me on, at least they haven’t so far. So what? It’s no big deal either way.
@Adirondackwannabe reminded me of another joke that’s germane to the question (and even older):
Why does a dog lick his balls?
˙uɐɔ ǝɥ ǝsnɐɔǝq
1A) I don’t know. I might try it and see.
1B) I don’t think anything you do solo is gay (not that there’s anything wrong with being gay), but the idea of swallowing my own cum doesn’t appeal to me. Though, as I just said, I might try it once if I could.
“I happen to be capable of autofellatio”
How you doin’?
It’s nothing to write home about.
I don’t think it would imply sexual preference, but if one beCAME obsessed by it, that might be a different story.
Interesting question would be if the “spit or swallow” question would yield a different result.
Things that make you go HHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I can understand your date being uncomfortable with the __new idea__ but how can anything you do all by your lonesome define your sexual mindset? Other than horny, of course.
@6rant6 I made that argument til I was blue in the face! And I did accuse him of being homophobic as others mentioned. But I dropped that aspect of the conversation as it wasn’t the crux of what I wanted to know. I was just amazed that he would not give himself head, if not once, if he could just cause he can. Because as you all are proving to me, I know most guys probably would give it a whirl lol.
@Ponderer983 And another entry for the Urban Dictionary – “Give it a whirl.”
It sounds like it would be incredibly uncomfortable. Literally physically uncomfortable. I don’t see why it’s always portrayed as this golden ideal and that if you can do it, you’re some kind of god.
But yeah, obviously my distaste for it isn’t going to come from it being “gay”, since, like, ya know, I don’t care about that kinda thing ;)
Hells yeah, I would try it. However, I don’t think it would be all that good. Giving oneself a handy involves only one sense, touch. For some reason it’s not too hard to ignore the sensation your hand receives and focus on that of little Gladys. Yes, there is sound, but it’s similar to the sound of actual sex.
In contrast, blowing myself would require me to ignore a whole lot more: taste, smell, touch, and the sound would be like a really loud blowjob, but from a guy. In essence, I would have to ignore the fact that I’m giving a beej, and focus only on getting one.
No. Not for fear of “being gay”, just because I see absolutely no appeal to having a penis in my mouth. I see an appeal in having my penis in another’s mouth, certainly. But ½ enjoyment + ½ “yuck” does not equal an enjoyable experience.
Eh, I suppose, but I really prefer having a partner.
I’d go for it, but I figure it wouldn’t be very good. Blowjobs are like massages and sandwiches: better when someone else does it.
I’m of the strong opinion that if someone thinks getting yourself off is “gay” then they have some deep homophobia and sexual immaturity going on.
@MrItty So… having a penis in your hand does have appeal?
@MrItty What if you just got out of the shower? Then, it’s only like sucking on a boob. An elongated, hard boob…....
@6rant6 hmm. You raise a valid point. I honestly hadn’t thought of it like that. I don’t know…. it’s an interesting “philosophical” question, I guess. But fortunately (??), my – uhm, physical make up – is such that it will never become a practical consideration for me. :-P
Hell yes I would, and I don’t consider it gay. No-one thinks masturbation is gay. Gay is being sexually attracted to other people of the same sex as yourself.
Men who are able to do this, either you have a big dick, or you’re rather flexible. Or, both! Yummy.
loli, you are, though, right?
For crying out loud, of course it’s gay. No heterosexual human man would stick a dick in his mouth, any dick! I had a gay friend in college who did that in front of us in college and even he, after the alcohol wore off felt ashamed. The pose, it was just awful. There was this film shot in New York, “Shortbus” was the title I think and in it was a scene of this guy doing it. The pose, it was just awful. Lol.
By that logic, it would be gay to even touch your own gentleman sausage.
I guess there is something “more gay” about genital-oral contact than genital-manual contact.
I’m getting, “The way I do it is __not__ gay,” vibe from all this. Kind of silly.
Not a man here but I have to say that if I could smooch my cooch I would certainly do it.
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