Social Question

Jude's avatar

Anything new that you just discovered about yourself?

Asked by Jude (32210points) November 29th, 2011

Going back over old school music from my
teens and it looks as though I had huge crushes on the brothahs and sistahs.

Lisa Bonet
Isiah Thomas
Whitney Houston
Maxine Jones from En Vogue
Kim Fields
Velma from Good Times


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13 Answers

janbb's avatar

I can cope with trauma better than I thought I could.

Male's avatar

I value my independency and time alone a lot more than I previously thought possible.

Phobia's avatar

I don’t like the taste of okra, boiled or fried. Horrible stuff…

john65pennington's avatar

I got on the scales after a shower and discovered I have lost 20 pounds!

No wonder my pants have been fallen off me. I guess having bronchitis for two weeks did it to me.

Feels a lot better weighing 20 pounds less.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I have a freckle on the bottom of my foot.

Berserker's avatar

@KateTheGreat I knew that.

I think I learned that I don’t despise Christmas as much as I thought I did. Wonder what’s up with that? I don’t even know what triggered this realization. But since I’m a horrible person, it’s probably something like listening to Creeping Death by Metallica or something. That makes me feel better, haha.

DominicX's avatar

That I may be something of an audiophile. That issues in sound that wouldn’t bother most people bother me. It’s most likely just an extension of my OCD, but apparently I care about sound quality to a great extent…and it’s making me have to repurchase music I’ve bought before… >.<


Yes, that I am wrong sometimes. Lol.

Ayesha's avatar

I am so impatient!!

disenchanted_poisongirl's avatar

I’m not who I used to be. And I don’t know how I should feel about it. What happened?

Keep_on_running's avatar

^ Same here.

I feel like I’ve matured and opened my mind more than ever before.

OpryLeigh's avatar

On Monday I discovered that I actually enjoy a good work out session in the gym. Despite a lot of muscle sorenss afterwards, mentally I feel great. Going back tomorrow!

Jude's avatar

@Leanne1986 It’s addictive. I love it, too. :)

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