General Question

Aethelflaed's avatar

How do I use footnotes for things other than citations (Chicago)?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) November 29th, 2011

I need to do a couple footnotes for sort of random thoughts (Chicago style). Are they styled differently than footnotes for citations? Are citation footnotes supposed to be numbered, while other footnotes use symbols (*, †, etc)? Or do you treat all footnotes the same, regardless of if it’s a citation or not?

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2 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

I believe “content notes” follow the same rules as citations; they should be superscript numbered and formatted the same way. See this article If you have a copy of or access to the Chicago manual check out what they say about “content notes,” which, I think, is the technical term for footnoted or end-noted “random thoughts” in academic papers. :-)

Aethelflaed's avatar

@lillycoyote Content notes! Perfect! Yes, because I was confused as to what to even search for, so awesome!

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