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simone54's avatar

Where does "the world is my oyster" come from?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) May 15th, 2008
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6 Answers

flip193's avatar

the phrase ” the world is my oyster. ” comes from the Latin words ” terra es mea ocystae” it was developed during early Rome in 1210

marinelife's avatar

The quote comes from Shakespeare’s only comedy set in England, The Merry Wives of Windsor:

Why, then the world’s mine oyster,
Which I with sword will open.
(2.2.3–4), Pistol to Falstaff

marinelife's avatar

One more for the Bard.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Given that the bard is responsible for 10 % of the Oxford book of quotations I have to say I’m not surprised

gailcalled's avatar

But what does the metaphor mean? Oysters ocasionally hide pearls.

Many of the other 90% come from the Bible and Don Quixote, I have been told.

marinelife's avatar

From enotes”

If you boast that “The world’s my oyster” nowadays, you’re claiming that the world’s riches are yours to leisurely pluck from the shell. The braggart ensign Pistol, however, utters the phrase as a sort of threat—of the aggressively bombastic kind he’s known for. Sir John Falstaff, a braggart almost the equal of Pistol, refuses to lend him a penny; Pistol promises to use his sword, if not on Falstaff, then on other helpless victims, to pry open their purses. Pistol’s thievish intentions have largely been forgotten, and “The world’s my oyster” has become merely a conceited proclamation of opportunity.

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