How often does Google search lead you to Fluther? Does Fluther then answer your question?
I was just looking something up on Google when I noticed one of the results was a Fluther question. I clicked on the link and found what I was looking for among the answers. How often does this happen to you? Is it perhaps how you found Fluther in the first place?
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27 Answers
It has never happened for me.
Entirely possible. I have no idea how I found Fluther anymore, so that’s as good a hypothesis as any.
It happened a couple times, but that was a very long time ago. I never see Fluther in a normal Google search anymore.
it has never happened to me, although I have often used Google search to find an old question or answer that I wanted to look at.
I only remember it happening once.
Sometimes when researching an answer, I get a link leading back to the question. But I’ve never been led to fluther otherwise. I tend not to look for the kinds of things that fluther answers. Most of my questions are technical in nature, and fairly specific. They are not things that people have asked of fluther.
Like, does anyone know how to reset a MyTouch 3g?
It happens to me occasionally, and yes, Fluther usually has the answer I wanted. I did originally find Fluther by Googling a question.
It’s a sign of the times when “I found Fluther by Googling” is a statement that actually makes sense.
A google search for Adirondackwannabe gave me 16,400 hits, mostly fluther from what I checked. I spend too much time here.
Yeah, coincidentally, usually if I Google a question and it takes me to Fluther… it brings me to my own questions. I guess I ask some weird stuff. :)
A google search for wundayatta got only 54 hits after they removed the dups. You go, @Adirondackwannabe!
PhiNotPi gives 29,100 results, and Google tends to auto-correct my name to PheNotyPe.
It’s sort of how I found Fluther, yeah…and it’s happened a few times since!
Never, which makes you wonder about the overall usefulness of the site.
That’s most likely how I found Fluther… I can’t remember.
Actually, it has happened to me on multiple occasions. It is how I first discovere Fluther, actually! Then again…I do troll the strangest that could be why. :)
I met Fluther through a google search on a computer Q and never left.
But much less so now. In fact, almost never now.
Once and that’s what brought me here. Never since though.
Never really, unless I’m googling something unusual that someone has asked on fluther and then that fluther question itself is among the top hits.
Fluther used to be one of the top hits for a number of Google searches, some of them pretty amusing. The one that sticks out in my mind the most was the question What is Sookie Stackhouse?. We were the number one hit for that question on Google, above a website named What is Sookie Stackhouse? It brought us 1500 hits a day!
Sadly, once Google unfairly labeled us as a content farm, we are nowhere near the top now. :/
I would love to know how Yahoo Answers is above us, now. WTF.
@augustlan Are we making no progress on that content farm issue? I was kind of hoping we were.
@lillycoyote It takes months, because Google only re-jiggers the algorithm every 90 days or so.
That is how I found fluther. I can’t remember the question I was directed to but it answered my question (It was quite an old question) and there was another question at the side I was interested in and wanted to answer.
Then I was hooked.
I happenstanced on fluther via a google search for something that seems now, rather trivial.
Outside of searching for things specifically related to Fluther or things I knew might lead me here, I don’t remember experiencing that much (if at all). I’m used to Yahoo! Answers questions popping up near the top. I don’t mind that so much, though, because they seem to allow duplicates there. Duplicates let me compare the same or similar questions asked at different times and I like that. (I don’t want to use that site as a contributor, though…)
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