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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Do you applaud or boo CNN for replacing seasoned Photojournalists with their "Citizen Journalism Initiative"?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30960points) November 30th, 2011

Is a true photojournalists craftsmanship replaceable by amateur photography? Do untrained citizen photographers have the vision necessary to uncover layers of truth that tell a deeper story than what may first appear on the surface? Is Photojournalism about having a cameras everywhere, or about delving into the heart of a story?

I highly doubt most snap shooters are equipped with a photojournalism degree. Could CNN’s decision mark the end of in depth coverage?

The CNN Citizen Journalism Initiative is all fine and good. A valuable resource for late breaking news. But the Devil is in the Details. Are details best accumulated by Passers By with iPhone Cameras or Seasoned Photojournalists intelligent enough to know that Eye Candy is superficial?

What will become of the photojournalist who pursues an assignment for months, getting to know the terrain, the people, the issues from all sides, with a desire to tell the entire story, rather than mock truth by providing free front page glamour shots?

Is this good for anyone except CNN, who gets cheaper or free content? Are they asking us to drink cheap wine in a box, instead of vintage Montrachet?

Will the “Citizen Journalist” risk life and limb like Chris Hondros and Tim Hetherington did? Can the “Citizen Journalist” bring us the whole truth?

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