Would this theory be correct?
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December 1st, 2011
Alright, so that person who may be interested in me is still something I feel like getting out of the way, and I would not think of putting this into action except for recent events. For some reason she waited for 5 minutes after school, because I was going to pass by a list of moviesI have, but I had said that I would tell her another day, but for some reason, she came up to me in the hallway and told me about it.
Anyways, the theory to finally test if she has some interest or not.
I figure, if someone you like, for some random reason, asks you out, the answer would be yes, and without much period of thought. I mean, logically, why would you say no? Is this correct?
The plan is to ask and see what the response is, then I can mark it off as either missreading her behavior, or mother nature fucking up again and someone else liking me.
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11 Answers
Yaulk… such drama just to get your lip on a girl?
Look, just plan an event all by yourself… an art opening, a concert, a visit to the botanical gardens… whatever. Then in casual conversation, mention that you are doing this at a particular time… After letting her speak whatever knowledge that she has on the subject, then ask her if she’d like to come along with you.
It’s not about “getting my lip on a girl”, It’s just finding out why she likes me, and finding a way to change it to prevent it in the future. Even if she does, I won’t go for it, she (an noboy else) has any reason to stick with me, there are way better options all around. I just want to find out what’s going on so I can stop it.
bah, damn typos from not watching the screen
Dude, you really sound like you have self esteem issues. Perhaps you don’t like your looks, or maybe you have some sort of guilt weighing down on you (and if it’s this, I bet you I have you beat), or something else. Either way kiddo, try and live a little, might as well have fun with a pointless existence.
I see @XOIIO. I didn’t understand that you wanted to trash someone else’s feelings in order to confirm your own. Good plan. Let us know how that works out for you.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies How am I trshing someone’s feelings? I’ll just ask her why she doesn’t ake the better choices and she’ll figure it out.
@King_Pariah I don’t I’ve just accepted that that is how it’s going to be. It’s the truth.
@XOIIO It’s not the truth, it never is. There is no such thing as “leagues.” It’s a bunch of bogus, she’s never really out of your league… (I’m going to go back in time and find the asshole who said that and rip off his head and shit down his throat). Any guy can really get with any girl just takes different approaches and more time in some cases. But anyway, you don’t even know if she actuallly likes you like that. Maybe she just sees a good friend in you, is that wrong of her?
(To be honest, when I first saw your reply, I wanted to smack you upside the head and tell you to get your head out of your @$$. Going through life with that sort of mentality is seriously going to limit yourself. So what, you’ve been disappointed several times before? Get over it, shit happens to the best of us, to the “perfect specimens,” as well as the worst of us, the pariahs amongst us [like moi, believe me, if I told you just one of my “sins” you’d probably see me as utter scum]. But that does not mean the best can’t happen to the worst of us. Believe me kiddo, life is life, you can’t waste it by placing limits, especially bull shit ones like that, on yourself. Take care, live, and risk it, love especially is worth the risk.)
@King_Pariah It doesn’t limit me. I’ve tried to live with the emotions and crap other people do but I can’t, it’s disgusting and complicates everything too much.
If this person was interested in me, she would just be settling, same as anyone else. I may as well find out what I can and then show them that they can do better.
“How am I trshing someone’s feelings?”
You’re setting her up for a predetermined outcome just so you can puke the punch line… all at her expense.
You could treat herself and yourself like human beings and just sit down with her and tell her how you feel for real… without games.
“I’ve just accepted that that is how it’s going to be.”
So now you’re a fortune teller.
We live with the realities that we define into existence. Define yourself as a loser, and you’ll be one. Define yourself as worthy, and so it shall be. No need to drag anyone else down just because you define yourself in a certain way. Redefine, and live a little.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies but I’m not dragging her down, if anything I’m helping them. It’s inevitable that she would find someone better, why be tied down to me? It makes sense from my point of view.
Helping her… With friends like you, who needs enemies?
You should market your services…
Psychotic Psychic Psychotherapist.
My girlfriend’s grandfather was like this. When she was a child, he told her to open her hand and close her eyes. He laid a bumblebee in her palm and clenched her fingers around it. She opened her eyes to find a painful sting in her palm. The grandfather claimed to be helping her learn not to trust anyone. All it did was cause her to hate him. Years of therapy and she still can’t get past the utter meanness of the grandfather. He died a lonely and bitter old man.
People should learn to trust those they care about with their issues. How awful to fear those that we care for, or to fear those that are supposed to care for us.
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