General Question

robmandu's avatar

What do you want on your tombstone?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) May 15th, 2008

Or, how do you want to be remembered?

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40 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I lived in Orlando for X years (don’t know how many it will end up being), never went to the theme parks and am proud of it!

whatthefluther's avatar

“Hey, let me out of here…I’m still alive”

mindstorms's avatar

A life lived to it’s fullest, and with others put first, in hopes that his actions may live on.

marinelife's avatar

Here is one of my favorites: Ben Franklin

The Body of
B. Franklin, Printer
Like the Cover of an old Book
Its Contents turn out
And Stript of its Lettering & Guilding
Lies here. Food for Worms
For, it will as he believed
appear once more
In a new and more elegant Edition
corrected and improved
By the Author
Benjamin Franklin
(Christ Church Burial Grounds; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

brownlemur's avatar

“I told you I was sick…”

danny's avatar


DeezerQueue's avatar

Funeral: $3,500
Coffin: $4,000
That someday it’s going to be you: Priceless.

kelly's avatar

It’s not what we take with us;
it’s what we leave behind

elchoopanebre's avatar

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness.

2 Timothy 4:7–8

Sounds pretty awesome.

wildflower's avatar

I don’t really want a tombstone – a boat or scattered ashes will do for me – but, if I were to have one, I think I’d quote Mr. Sinatra:
“I did it my way”

peedub's avatar


Spargett's avatar


LunaFemme's avatar

I lived gloriously

LunaFemme's avatar

or maybe, “Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty I’m free at last.”

ambos's avatar

Died Tragically Rescuing His Family From The Remains Of A Destroyed Sinking Battleship

whatthefluther's avatar

What part of “cremation” did you not understand?

cookieman's avatar

Ad Astra Pers A Pera

robmandu's avatar

@cprevite, To the stars through difficulty.


kawaii_ninja's avatar

Something funny like:
“Game Over Dude!” or
“It’ll be r8” (No other way to pronounce this than withought the 8 – lancashirian accent? I’m from the UK btw)

Or something else. I’m not really in a creative mood right now xD

wildflower's avatar

Maybe: “Not really here”, “BRB” or “Gone to the spirit in the sky…..?”

chill_out's avatar

Insert Quarter to Continue

TheCouncil's avatar

I totally didn’t see that coming.

breedmitch's avatar

See Ya’ll Soon!

trogdor_87's avatar

“I’ll be back”

Babo's avatar

I think I’d like a giant iPod click wheel on mine!

jcs007's avatar

I’d like cheese, sausage, and pepperoni.

scamp's avatar

I saw this on a tombstone, and thought it was creepy but cool:

Remember friend as you walk by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now you will surely be
Prepare thyself to follow me.

Here’s one for the guys:

Two things I love most,
good horses and beautiful
women, and when I die I hope
they tan this old hide of mine
and make it into a ladies riding
saddle, so I can rest in peace
between the two things I love

Bri_L's avatar

Please step to the side,
your standing on my groin

elchoopanebre's avatar

Non-serious answer:


TheCouncil's avatar

Remember me for the good and the bad for while I was in this life I did what I thought was right. Some success, some failure but always with a good intention. The road I am traveling now is my own.

scamp's avatar

Who turned off the lights?

LunaFemme's avatar

that was beautiful @Council. Thank you for sharing.

gooch's avatar

No tombstone just an oak tree. I would like for it to speak for me in its grandeur.

kawaii_ninja's avatar

Ha! My friend says he’s gonna have ‘You Raise me up’ and ‘Goin’ underground’ or something played at his funeral xD

kawaii_ninja's avatar

And here’s a few more:

Grace: 0
Death: 1
(like a game scoreboard)

This aint no ordinary tombstone…
...This is an M&S Tombstone….

JackAdams's avatar



August 30, 2008, 9:26 PM EDT

Bluefreedom's avatar


evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I want my tombstone message to be reminiscent of the silly computer phrase “Please press start to shut down” which has to the biggest line of nonsense ever created, next to the occasional sheet of paper that reads “this page left blank intentionally”, or the instructions on Christmas lights that reads “For indoor or outdoor use only.” Who comes up with this stuff?

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