Meta Question

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Why is there still a Federated Beta area?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) December 3rd, 2011

The last question asked was almost a year ago. It looks like the beta failed so why is it still a live link?

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14 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Because the founders have very limited time to work on this site, and they haven’t bothered to take it down.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Are they working on something fun?

zensky's avatar

Is Twitter fun?

marinelife's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous By the way, it is very good to see you back again. The founders and the programming staff were hired away by Twitter. (Check out the blog for the story.) Fluther was making enough money to keep Augie and keep running, but no real development is going on with the site.

filmfann's avatar

I would love to see the Federated button go away, and replace it with a “Question of the Day” button, but I understand that Ben and Andrew already have full plates.

bobbinhood's avatar

What is the Federated area?

YARNLADY's avatar

@bobbinhood The link at the top of the page that says Federated leads people to Fluther from other, partner sites. It was a beta (experiment), that didn’t work.

bobbinhood's avatar

@YARNLADY Thanks. I don’t have that link, so that’s why I asked. But how does the link lead people here if they already have to be here to see the link? I think I’m misunderstanding something.

jrpowell's avatar

@bobbinhood :: Take a look at this and then look at this and this might help too.

bobbinhood's avatar

@johnpowell Thank you. I’ll have to take a look later, because the second link keeps timing out.

jrpowell's avatar

Strange, it was working for me but is now down. This still seems to work.

Just in case that goes down too. screenshot

HungryGuy's avatar

What is this Federated Beta area of which you speak?

jrpowell's avatar

@HungryGuy :: It is only visible to beta testers. It was never made public.

Dog's avatar

I have heard that working at Twitter is VERY fun! They have celebs come in and also a nice spread at lunch and more. I think they get massages every Friday and their own executive spa. :) Lets face it- they would HAVE to have perks that insane to leave Fluther with our mansions and nutmeg!

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