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zensky's avatar

What ridiculous frivolity do you splurge on - while saving on something important and vital - stupidly?

Asked by zensky (13426points) December 5th, 2011

I found myself thinking twice about an expensive dental treatment I needed – while considering cirque/concert tickets for the summer – which cost about the same.

It’s ok – I caught the error in time.

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14 Answers

Luiveton's avatar

I always choose the ridiculous frivolities.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I tip very well, while turning down my heat and burning wood, effectively paying myself $1.50 per hour for cutting , splitting, and hauling it into my home.

filmfann's avatar

We go out to eat too much, while we avoid important dental treatment.
I have a tooth that needs to be pulled after New Years.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband was darning his socks! Again! And, then he buys a Porsche. Again.

I really should go to the doctor more. Part of the reason I don’t go is because I think they suck, and I don’t want to be dissappointed again. But, part of it is the waste of money also, well I call it waste, but maybe if I saw yet another doctor I could get better. I buy Chanel make-up at times, which can be pretty expensive. I have all sorts of splurges that are not really necessary.

Other saving examples: I also seal off parts of my house in the winter to save money on heating, and we save a lot compared to my neighbors bills. My husband takes lunch to work almost every day. I buy less expensive detergent even though my husband really prefers Tide. My husband cuts my hair sometimes. I use coupons. I try to travel during off peak times.

picante's avatar

I cut back on fiber so I can spend more on champagne. So far, the strategy is working well.

CWOTUS's avatar

I think this is going to be my new “Lifestyle Tips” go-to thread.

Coloma's avatar

I spend a lot of eating out, shopping at the more expensive grocery stores in my area, my pets and amazon book and CD/DVD orders.

I’m not really neglecting anything, but, holy shit, sometimes.
I had $638 in cash in my wallet last Weds. Today I have $81 lol

I did spend $250 on a brake job and did some Xmas shopping, bought my new adopted cat with his adoption fee and another $40 on supplies, lunch out with a friend yesterday, a couple of expensive drinks, misc. shit…..oh where or where does it go? :-/

JLeslie's avatar

@Coloma Oh, I just charge everything, that will solve your wallet problem.

talljasperman's avatar

I returned my $75 community psychology textbook to the bookstore for emergency pizza food money in university after the first week of classes.

Coloma's avatar

@JLeslie I do too, sometimes, but I like to go on a cash basis too. :-)

OpryLeigh's avatar

I buy (NSFW) Bizarre magazine every month even though money is always tight for me.

smilingheart1's avatar

new books when I have a backlog of 50 some to read now. (But they are all so interesting and of course a relaxing day when I want to read is in the future, now there’s a “LOL”

Neizvestnaya's avatar

We had gotten by for almost 3 years now with no cable TV and a minimal Netflix account but then go and spend $5. an episode for a series we’re hooked on.

Coloma's avatar

Shit, I just spilled half a bottle of $55 goose arthritis medicine I just got a week ago syringing up a couple of cc’s. Bah!

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