Social Question

[NSFW?] Why does American Apparel not get kudos for bucking the fashion model trend?
[NSFW?] Is it the fact that the US is so vast that no matter how the model industry is viewed Yankees just can’t get it? It always comes up that the modeling industry puts up unhealthy, unreal expectations to young girls and women. Then you have a company like American Apparel, and it is a US company, has models that have fresh scabs, pimples, stretch marks , curves, under arm stubble, some who would be considered chubby in Europe, and they go unnoticed. They are as close to the ”girl next door” as you can get. They are not photoshopped, airbrushed, or anything of the sort. The only thing I have heard about American Apparel models are that they were too hoochie, or the ads too sexy or raunchy, when the better ads are in Japan, France, Latin America, and other parts of Europe anyhow.
For having models that look like ”ordinary” women, American Apparel should have people tipping their hats for them. Still many are not happy, and focus on the ads and not the women. What stops Yankees from getting it? Too bony, we grip, Too ordinary, we grip. Do the US public expect models to look like made up Kardashians, or Hiltons?