How would you classify yourself in highschool?
Stereotypes are horrific and can be demeaning when a person labels another, but people label themselves and afe often proud of who they are. What were/are you in highschool?
Examples: Jock, Nerd, Geek, Diva, Busybody, Class clown, etc.
I’m neither, one of the few people who travees from group to group in my school. The closest thing I am is a nerd, and I’m proud of it :)
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43 Answers
I was a nobody band nerd in a class of over 800 when I was a freshman/sophomore in Las Vegas. Then I moved to a small town in Illinois my junior year. I became the girl from Las Vegas in a class of less than 200 and quickly became a stoner.
I actually had this conversation with someone the other day. I don’t think that I fit into any of the traditional high school stereotypes.
My school didn’t really have the traditional stereotypes. I went to a predominantly Jewish school, and the Jewish kids tended to band together. There were the popular, nerdy Jewish kids and the popular, jock Jewish kids, and the really wealthy kids who were not necessarily popular, but they were just assholes to everyone else. (Not that other people weren’t wealthy, that was just the specific trait that seemed to bind that particular group together.) I was the girl with the funky hair color that wore a lot of black, but I was always an excellent student, and I was in the advanced classes with most of the popular kids. I was friends with most people, from every clique. There was a small group of kids who started a rumor about me, but that was the only time I remember being actively made fun of in high school, and it was a small group of people who did it.
I’m not sure where I fell into a category. I dressed like someone that would be labled a “freak” in a typical high school setting, but I was friends with most of the popular kids, I was teacher’s pet in several classes, I spent my after school time with the “druggies” and I always reached out to the kids that didn’t seem to have any friends, or who were often made fun of.
So…. I don’t know.
East parking lot stoner. That was back when we actually had smoking areas for the students. The East parking lot was where the :“real stoners” smoked and the west parking lot was where the “jocks” smoked. A lot has changed in 30 years!
My graduating class was 50. We were too small for labels. We had a group that hung out together and a group that didn’t hang out together.
I drifted amongst groups too. Closest I could come to a group would be “social stoner intelligentsia”.
@jonsblond the nobody’s were anyone who did not belong to the popular group; pretty much most of the school yet we considered ourselves to be the nobody’s.
The group I ran with did not include the popular kids, not unless they needed something to get them by. Funny thing was, none of them wanted any of the others in their group to know but they all did it. We never told, bad for business.
I guess freak, class clown or, as we liked to call ourselves, “the scapegoats”.
Floater. Friends with all. My HS years were far more fortunate than most, I think.
I was younger than everyone else (skipped grades) and small. I took AP classes: Calculus, Physics, Chemistry… and did well in all of them. I avoided the dumb jocks and the drinkers/stoners. No loss. They didn’t notice me at all.
I was the science/drama kid but I was outgoing so I was the flirt, as well.
It was a long time ago and most of those terms didn’t exist when I was in school but I would probably have been a dork.
I’m definatly a nerd. But, being a JV starter on volleyball, getting the lead in the play, and just being that loud smart-ass in general, I’m an extremly popular one.
I must say, though, that my school is great in that no one does drugs. Really, they bring in dogs to sniff our lockers alot and never find anything. I go to alot of parties and the wildest we ever get is getting a caffiene high and grabbing BB guns and having a target contest. So ‘stoner’ is never used in my school.
except for one kid, because that’s his last name.
“Boy with the most class spirit” was in yearbook as that with a photo.
I’m a band geek. I’m one of the youngest and smallest kids in my grade and I use big words sometimes. I’m also an art kid, you’ll often see me with my sketch pad or hear me singing softly to myself.
Something of a geeky theater kid, but I try to be friendly with everyone. I’ve been called something of a stoner, but I’ll always think that’s debatable.
All and none. I was friendly and could fit in all groups: jock, nerd, geek, thug, prep, loner, class clown, etc. You name it, I could hang with that group.
Dumb. Just… dumb. I did a lot of stupid things and made a lot of stupid decisions in high school.
My graduating class was about 200 students. I was voted `Most Independent’ in our senior superlatives. The yearbook photo showed me and the male `Most Independent’ on each end of a rope. Silly. But I was always proud of that title. I was friends with everyone regardless of status or class as long as they had a kind heart.
Geeky nerd athlete. I was in all the math, science and AP classes and ran cross-country & track.
I had zero social skills coming into high school, but fortunately had friends from both the brainy and jock-ey directions, from whom I learned a LOT.
I was the nerd, despised by bullies around the world.
Freaky goth that nobody wanted to talk to. That’s okay though, I spent most of my unfinished highschool years skipping lol.
The freaky girl who hung out with the other freaky people, in the back of the school. People knew of me, but very few people were actually in my acquaintance.
For most of highschool, I was almost universally popular, and the ironic part about that is that I was probably the closest thing to a real punk rock kid at my school.
I made a lot of my own clothes, I was in a few bands, and I had a deep affection for rock and roll. I also happened to be a very good student, and most of the self-described punks and skaters hated me and called me a “poser,” even though my DIY aesthetic and disdain for conventional thinking made me much more “punk” than any of them ever really were. I didn’t identify as a punk though (well, I did in middle school). I didn’t identify as anything.
I hung with the art freaks and could be further labeled a nerd. It was a fun bunch. Aside from the core art group we had members from theater, dance and a few orch dorks. A couple of the orch dorks wore kilts on occasion.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Ha, that’s cool. You know a punk isn’t a punk when he tells you that his dad paid for his 200 dollar combat boots, or when a skater is always just carrying his board around, instead of riding it. God did I ever see so many people like that in my school years.
Woulda loved to be in highschool with you. :D
I was an underachiever. I didn’t belong to any school clubs because they all sucked and I wasn’t a part of any cliques/gangs/entourages/relationships. I just didn’t take high school seriously (and I still don’t), I just wanted my diploma and work in guitar center for the rest of my life. My standards are a bit higher now.
I guess you could say I was the ‘art nerd’
Some people may have said I was the shy, quiet girl who never got in trouble.
I’m content with either stereotype.
I was a quiet, shy girl, always did my homework. I used to draw my classmates (the ones that I liked) & I would give the drawings to them. It seemed to impress them that I could capture their faces so clearly, but I did not make friends easily.
@Symbeline we would have been great friends, I’m sure. Hell, I’d had probably tried to date you.
I’m not sure, I guess I was one of those kids that always tried to seek out some type of identity by trying to seem like I was cool to several cliques. I was an average sized kid and athletically inclined but yet I never gotten along with the jocks. I never gotten along with the preps either. I did get excellent grades prior to high school and I’d alway aspired to science (my show & tells were kicka$$), I loved math, chess and reading books and I was also very shy but I was never considered a geek or nerd and that group never appealed to me neither. There were the shoppies/greasers but even though I was always mechanically inclined I had nothing but trouble with that group. There were the skatefags (as they were called then) but nay. There were the partiers/stoners/burnouts and even though I didn’t mind smoking weed and drinking beer (I never did nothing heavy) I had nothing but problems with this group too.
I guess in the end I never really cliqued with any one group or persons. I was never involved in any group activity or membership while in school either. I was the ultimate loner or lone wolve I suppose. I had nothing but trouble with both boys and girls so dating was never a part of my school happenings too. There was no prom for me. I was a very good looking, in shape, average sized part nerd, part shoppie, part jock all rolled into one. LOL.
It is 20 years later now since my graduation date and from looking around me at others I went to school with and all I can say is I still have all of my hair, all of my teeth, I look hot yet and I still look very young along with the fact that I still get carded yet. I still have a hard time finding my group or types of people I get along with though so some things have never changed.
Wallflower and geek (of the science and band variety).
@Symbeline – I’d have wanted to date you, too. But the Goth and Emo kids all terrified me (even though they were all pretty quiet and kept to themselves), so I’d have kept far away from you :-p
In addition, I have glasses and braces. I’ll soon be getting an inhaler for asthma too. I’m a stereotypical band geek, not so stereotypical for an art freak.
@laineybug Stick with the art. That’ll payoff the rest of your life. Don’t sweat the glasses and braces. I think a woman in glasses is hot. Braces also payoff long term.
By “awesome” I meant that I was in a band that people liked, therefore combined with my sunny demeanor I didn’t have anyone actively hating me (except a couple teachers).
I was in the band. If it weren’t for that, I would have had no social life at all. But my membership in the band, as far as I know, did not enhance my cool factor, despite being the first trumpet. I simply did not know how to be cool or how to be social and so if there was any advantage to being first trumpet, I didn’t know how to take advantage of it.
I was a soft-spoken slacker who was used to being viewed as “weird”, “smart”, and a “nerd”. If only the last two assumptions by others I acknowledged in this answer were true about me… :)
On the DDC I would say 600
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