Social Question

How trusting are you?
Holy schmokes.
I mostly lost my voice today, probably because I’m getting sick-
and had a presentation I needed to do for a final in one of my courses. I decided to go buy some tea to help
alleviate the raspy-ness of the still audible attempt at speech I’ve been producing.
As I was leaving campus to head to a coffee shop, I passed one of my friends and told him he should come kill some extra time he had and grab a tea. He got in the vehicle, and we headed to Dunkin Donuts.
I was going to go to the drive through so I pulled in the parking lot on the side of the store first, to get my money out from where I keep it in the car, because I hate making the people that work there wait, since I worked at Dunkin for many years and know it can be annoying.
Anyway next thing I know I’m about to reverse to go to the window and I see someone coming at a rapid pace to the passengers side door. I tell my friend and at that time some girl, which I now know to be his girlfriend is banging on the window yelling at him, and why are we pulled off to the side, and who am I, and she saw me “pick him up” from the school.
Holy shit. I was shocked. I literally, am just friends with this dude, and tried to talk to her, even got out of the car to try and rationalize her false assumptions. but she was not trying to hear me. All I could think of, was that I’d never want to be in a relationship where trust was so scarce.
I know that girl doesn’t know me or really have a reason to believe I’m being honest but it just blew me away, and I’m thinking about it still, now, 5 hours later.
How trusting are you, would you follow your SO.
Would you ask what’s going on and listen or would you accuse?
Any stories, or opinions you’d care to share?