Meta Question

playthebanjo's avatar

What constitutes a great fluther question?

Asked by playthebanjo (2957points) May 16th, 2008

I have asked a couple that I thought generated a bunch of responses…what gives? I see lots of great answers, but few great questions given out. What are everyones parameters?

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13 Answers

Allie's avatar

I think a great Fluther question is one that makes a person think. I like the questions that spark back and forth discussions about the topic.

ccatron's avatar

really it is all about perception. if people don’t agree with you that it is a great question, then they won’t mark as a great question.

personally, i think it’s “great” if it is thought-provoking and original

phoenyx's avatar

I often just forget to mark great questions.

marinelife's avatar

I agree with Allie. I also think for me to mark it as a great question, it has to make me think or teach me something new or show me something I never saw or the answers to the question have to do that.

marinelife's avatar

@playthebanjo Do you have specific questions that did not get the coveted mark that you think should have?

gailcalled's avatar

Check out the classic cake.

27 clicks for “good answer.” And there were the “cupcake” sibs.

wildflower's avatar

I like questions that make me draw on knowledge, experience, feelings or perception or makes me read, test or search for an answer that I’ll learn something from myself.
I prefer questions that require interpretation and/or judgement for discussion value, but the techie questions for learning (except those about games and jailbreaking since I’m not in to either)

I too am guilty of forgetting to hit the GQ at times….

playthebanjo's avatar

@Marina- No…nothing specific. I just see so many great answers that I wonder if people, in their haste to write the next great answer, forget to “thank” the author of the great question. I am certainly guilty.

kevbo's avatar

Thought provoking questions that haven’t been asked before in some form or another. Ones that make you realize you never thought of the subject (that way) before.

NVOldGuy's avatar

I think any question that has many answers and requires thought are great. General fun questions “Best Side Kick” etc are great. Any question that seems to ask advice “Better study habits” are good too.

Horus515's avatar

I am a newbie, but so far I like the ones that have lots of different possible answers and not so much one definitive answer.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Gadzooks, I believe many great questions do lacking because the asker is not very respected in their opinion, not that well known to the collective, not established in the collective, or the question goes against the personal ethics or believe of the question reader. I have seen many questions that teased the brain or challenged the usual way of thinking but go stale while some relationship question that is basically conjecture and not earthshaking in any way have a bounty of Atta boys. To me there is really no rhyme or reason on how questions are deemed GQ worthy. I think if a question gets you to think outside-the-box be it a generator of a lot of discussion or not then it is a good question, be it about aliens, time travel, reincarnation, religion, commerce, etc. But…….that is just me.

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