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zensky's avatar

What tv series could you watch all over again?

Asked by zensky (13426points) December 6th, 2011
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74 Answers

Repo_the_Genetic_Opera's avatar

Ed, Edd n Eddy
Dexter’s Lab

jca's avatar

All in the Family. It’s so classic.

Prosb's avatar

Jackie Chan Adventures, Invader Zim, and Family Matters.

Stinley's avatar

My daughter loves Friends. I find myself drawn in. The jokes are still funny.

Ayesha's avatar

Friends. Can’t stop watching.

smilingheart1's avatar

Barney Miller
All In The Family

wilma's avatar

The old “Dick Van Dyke Show” with Mary Tyler Moore.

“Wild Kingdom”

syz's avatar

The West Wing.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Barney Miller! Yes!!! I already have Firefly on DVD

jerv's avatar


Lot of browncoats here…

bkcunningham's avatar

Dallas. I need to find out who shot JR.

janbb's avatar

Dick Van Dyke Show
Rocky and Bullwinkle
The West Wing

wilma's avatar

Rocky and Bullwinkle, yes I miss Mr. Peabody and his wayback machine.

sndfreQ's avatar

Six Feet Under
The Sopranos

janbb's avatar

@wilma Seems like you and I should get together for a TV watching night. I love Mr Peabody and Dick Van Dyke!

filmfann's avatar

Barney Miller
Boston Legal
The Sopranos

picante's avatar

Dick Van Dyke Show
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Gunsmoke (I lurve me some Mister Dillon)

marinelife's avatar

Firefly. I love Nathan Fillion so much that I watch Castle just to see him.

jonsblond's avatar

Northern Exposure

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Charmed (I have the DVDs, lol)

erichw1504's avatar

Heroes (1st season only)
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Home Improvement
Malcolm In The Middle
Boy Meets World
X-Men: The Animated Series
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

wundayatta's avatar

I can’t believe no one said Seinfeld yet.
Also Friends.
Mary Tyler Moore.
24 (the early ones).

Of course, I don’t watch TV any more so all this is moot.

Maybe The Sopranos

Ayesha's avatar

@wundayatta Those are some really good ones you listed!

philosopher's avatar

I miss the Star Gate series and Star Trek. Some of their wacky shows were based on real Scientific possibilities and extrapolation. Dr. Kaku often points out that some of the ideas writers bought to life are becoming reality.
We will have Computer driven cars, talking Computers and much more.
I like Sci Fi and comedy. I like shows that help me forget about the stress for a while.
I dislike shows like NCIS. Detectives are not all beautiful people.
I did enjoy Mary Tyler Moore,Cheers and Seinfeld too.
Comedy is great at relieving stress.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have all 7 series of Gilmore Girls on DVD and I watch them all the time!

I also love watching certain documentary series (David Attenborough, Michael Palin etc) and it doesn’t matter how many times I see those either.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m currently watching Seinfeld all over again.
The reruns are on about 6 times a day.

janbb's avatar

This is all giving me good ideas for my new bedroom TV watching evenings.

gailcalled's avatar

Poldark; Upstairs, Downstairs; Downton Abbey; Bleak House; The Forsythe Saga; Fawlty Towers.

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled New Downton Abbey starting in January, I believe. Wasn’t it good?

SuperMouse's avatar

St. Elsewhere
Kung Fu

john65pennington's avatar

GREEN ACES. It was so stupid that that it was funny.

Also, MR. ED “of course of course it was a horse”.

SuperMouse's avatar

@john65pennington maybe a little My Mother the Car or Car 54 Where are You?

HungryGuy's avatar

Star Trek: The Next Generation [have it on DVD]
Star Trek: The Original Series [have it on VHS, but missing a couple of episodes]
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Star Trek: Temporal Corps [I wish]
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy [I wish]
Star Trek: We Are Borg [ST from the POV of the Borg…I wish]
Firefly [have it on DVD]
Max Headroom [have it on DVD]
Thunderbirds [have it on DVD]
The Muppet Show
Fraggle Rock [have the first season on DVD]
The Tomorrow People
The Tracey Ullman Show
The Simpsons [the first 10 seasons or so]

OpryLeigh's avatar

@gailcalled I loved Poldark!

tinyfaery's avatar

I’ve watched the entire BTVS series at least 9 times. I’ve seen Firefly, maybe 3 times. I watch a lot of TV.

flutherother's avatar

I used to watch Tales of Wells Fargo with my father. I could watch them all again.

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb; Good news about Downton. Thanks for the alert.

SuperMouse's avatar

@SABOTEUR I lurve your answer, I forgot all about that show!

DominicX's avatar

I already did watch Lost over again. I’ll probably want to again in a couple years. There’s never been anything like that show :)

Joker94's avatar

24, Life on Mars, well, the US version, anyways, and I’d kill to watch Alias again.

jonsblond's avatar

@DominicX I agree. I need to watch that series again (Lost). I miss the show.

Blondesjon's avatar

Breaking Bad

Sons of Anarchy

Berserker's avatar

Xena Warrior Princess. That’s what I’ve been doing for a few weeks now, I’m up to season three. Got the seasons I was missing for Xmas last year, and that’s my third watch-through of the whole series. It never gets boring, and there’s always something that I discover or find out that’s new to me, no matter how many times I’ve seen every damn show since like, 1996.

I’d also go for Beavis and Butthead, to which I own the whole Mike Judge collection of. Except, not all the episodes are on it, (nor all the music vids) he chose his best ones for all three sets. And since it doesn’t play on cable anymore, (don’t even got cable anyways haha) I can’t ever see the lost episodes as I like to call them, unless I watch em on YouTube or wtv. But I still don’t mind watching em over and over haha.

Repo_the_Genetic_Opera's avatar

Also Doctor Who :)
I have a big ol’ crush on Mr. Captain Jack Harkness.

Berserker's avatar

Zen, am I wrong in guessing you’d watch Star Trek all over again? With that avatar on, you gotta answer your own question, man!

zensky's avatar

Of course. In fact, I’d marathon any of them (except maybe Enterprise and season two of Voyageur) over a weekend.

I’d literally watch seven seasons straight of STNG if I could. But I am a huge LOST fan now. Also Fringe, that JJ is serious. Have you seen the TED talk with JJ Abrams? Look it up.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, not too familiar with him, but it mentions alien encounters or something. Or sci fi series. I’ll get back to you when I see what this is all about lol.

Also, Spock rules. I denno much about ST, but I do know that Spock is awesome.

AshlynM's avatar

Home Improvement
Family Matters
X Files
Wings – sitcom about two brothers who own their own airline (great stuff)
Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
A Haunting

zensky's avatar

X files – good one.

Brian1946's avatar


“Wings – sitcom about two brothers who own their own airline (great stuff)”

I agree- good pick. Gotta love Joe’s irresponsible, impulsive brother, if but for his name alone. ;-)

Sunny2's avatar

Mary Tyler Moore
Golden Girls
Smothers Brothers

SuperMouse's avatar

@Brian1946 and @AshlynM I totally agree with you both on Wings. A little, awesome show that kept chugging along. @Brian1946 Steven Weber was awesome as that irresponsible brother (whatever his name was ;o) ), I loved Thomas Haden Church as Lloyd too! That made me think of another show I could watch over and over, Night Court.

janbb's avatar

@Sunny2 I, Claudius was fantastic.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Sunny2 and @janbb: I have I, Claudius on DVD, or, as we like to call it, Snakes on a Face. Love me some Derek Jacobi!

And, oh, Wings! And Night Court! Love Harry Anderson, too!

sndfreQ's avatar

BSG (the newer series with Edward James Olmos). I’d marathon that one!

erichw1504's avatar

X-Files FTW.

zensky's avatar

@sndfreQ Frackin’ hell I would too.

HungryGuy's avatar

@Symbeline – Oh my! How could I have left Xena off my list? D’oh!

Blondesjon's avatar


fuck all you haters

JilltheTooth's avatar

^ ^ ^ lover of really big shoulders…

JilltheTooth's avatar

resisting the obvious puns and double entendres…..

filmfann's avatar

Ugh, I forgot to mention my love for the new version of Battlestar Galactica.

Berserker's avatar

@HungryGuy And how did I leave The Simpsons off mine?! I never get bored of that show. The newer ones are kinda…wtf. But still fun to watch.

Also…I told you, I’m not Xena! I’m Lucy Lawless!

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