Social Question

Conservatives: You want freedom for yourselves? Fine! But are you willing to give freedom to others?
Even though I don’t agree 100%, I see the logic and reasoning in opposing government regulations that dictate whom one must interact with in business, and opposing unequal rates of taxation (i.e., you earn a dollar, you should pay the same percentage in taxes out of that dollar as everyone else, regardless of how many dollars you earn).
You say that such laws and regulations are, in effect, reverse discrimination against you and theft of your rightful property to benefit others against your consent.
Fair enough.
But, in turn, do you support the rights of others to interact peacefully and consensually?
I.e., do you believe that consenting adults should have the right to live together as a family unit and/or have sex with whomever they want to under whatever terms they mutually agree to?
Do you believe that adults should have the right to absorb whatever substances they choose to, for whatever reason they choose to, as long as doing so doesn’t put non-participants in danger?
Do you believe that adults should have the right to create, share, and consume any printed and/or visual matter they choose to that’s created by consenting adults and takes place in private?