Is there a female version of the (media-created) bromance?
Asked by
janbb (
December 6th, 2011
Just wondering if there is defined in the culture a type of female friendship that is almost, but not quite, a romantic infatuation without sexual attraction such as we see portrayed in some of the current male-centric movies. (Sorry for the overlong sentence.)
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19 Answers
Womance, as Elmer Fudd would most likely say.
It’s called a normal emotional relationship.
Shall it be called sismance?
I just call them my girlfriends. They’re much more than just friends, and the emotional bonds between us are fairly close to that of lovers, but we’re not lovers.
Or if you go based on the saying “bros before hos”, could it be called a homance? :P
@erichw1504 Oooh you have Howard as your avatar, I LOVE THIS GUY SO FUDGING MUCH.
Do you like Sheldon?
Bosom buddies a’la Anne of Green Gables
@linguaphile wasn’t Bosom Buddies a Tom Hanks Sitcom from the 80s?
I hate the term bromance with absolute passion. I’m glad there is no true female equivalent because at least one half of this ridiculousness doesn’t exist. Now if only we could wipe the other term away and just use “friendship” like normal people..
Genderization of anything other than gender-specific products is no good.
I haven’t seen the movie, but from I’ve seen of the storyline, perhaps Beaches is an example of that.
@WestRiverrat Yes, it was a sitcom, but before that it was in The Anne of… books.
No, because gender neturally speaking, it’s a close friendship.
“Bromance” is a snarky-assed sexist neologism.
@sinscriven I agree to a large extent but what I was also reaching for was a friendship – male or female – that is not sexual but has a touch of infatuation about it.
Yeah :)
It featured the lovely Donna Dixon as well.
@Luiveton Of course, Sheldon is hilarious. But, Howard always cracks me up.
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