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mazingerz88's avatar

What are the greatest festive, celebratory and triumphant sounding classical music?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29384points) December 6th, 2011

I’m about to compile music from iTunes from various classical composers sans Mozart and Beethoven since I already have my collection of both.

But yes, I need suggestions of works by all other classical musicians who composed triumphant sounding music similar to that of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. Thanks very much!

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17 Answers

zensky's avatar

Vivaldi Four Seasons.

Start with spring

gailcalled's avatar

Brahams’ Academic Overture

Th first few minutes are the warm-up, similar to marching in place. Wait for it.

And the biggest war horse of all times; Mendelssohn’s Wedding March (From Midsummer’s Night Dream)

The runner-up up is Wagner’s Bridal Chorus (from Lohengrin)

The fourth movement of Beethoven’s Ninth SymphonyC9RPUQ1vwQ&feature=related will get your blood stirring. (_Ode to Joy)

For less-than-subtle, all the stuff of John Phillip Sousa.

DominicX's avatar

Rimsky-Korsakov’s Russian Easter Festival Overture

Shostakovich’s Festive Overture

Verdi’s Triumphal March from the opera Aida.

rojo's avatar

Carl Orff – Carmina Buranan “O fortuna”

zensky's avatar

You did say celebratory and triumphant sounding (which is subjective). I like this one:

Itzhak Perlman-Rachmaninoff’s Vocalise

gailcalled's avatar

edit: Bad link for the Beethoven Ninth. Try this one instead:

rojo's avatar

Mozart – Dies Irae

mazingerz88's avatar

Yey, thanks guys! Keep em coming! : )

rojo's avatar

Kansas – Point of no return.

mazingerz88's avatar

@zensky Yes. I do have Perlmann’s Rachmaninoff’s Vocalise. It’s indeed triumphant in a melancholic kind of way. It reminds me of that haunting yet sweet music from Schindler’s list.

rojo's avatar

Wagner – Die Walkure (ride of the valkyries)

DominicX's avatar

A few more, maybe not as well known:

Delibes’ Marche et Cortege de Bacchus from his ballet Sylvia

Delibes’ Les Chasseresses also from Sylvia

And my personal favorite. It doesn’t get much more triumphant than this:

Respighi’s Pines of the Appian Way from Pines of Rome.

Sunny2's avatar

The Triumphant March at the End of Act I from Verdi’s Aida.

rojo's avatar

Bizet – suite #1 and Les Toreadors From Carmen
Pachelbel – Canon in D
Rossinni – William Tell Overture
Bach – Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
Fucik – Entry of the Gladiators
Suppe – Light Cavalry Overture
Williams – Imperial March (you will recognize it when you hear it)

wundayatta's avatar

Tchaikovski’s 4th and 5th Symphonies. OMG!
Copland’s Appachian Spring.

jazmina88's avatar

Trumpet Fanfare

Oh yes, Appalachian Spring

Procession of Nobles

gailcalled's avatar

I forgot Mussorgsky’s _Pictures at an Exhibition

The marching tune is #1) Promenade and # The Great Gate (discordant)

And my favorite, The Anvil Chorus from Il Trovatore.

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