What was the last mean thought you had?
Asked by
OpryLeigh (
December 7th, 2011
I was sat in a doctor’s waiting room yesterday and a mother walked in with her little girl (3 years old approx). When I saw the child’s face I automatically thought “that’s one ugly kid”. I felt really bad for that thought and, if there’s a hell, I’m probably going their for thinking that a child so young was ugly.
We all have mean or judgemental thoughts. When was the last time you had a really mean thought about another person and did you feel guilty for it?
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21 Answers
We have a case in county court right now. It was in the paper yesterday. Sex abuse of a four year old. I wanted to kill the bastard myself.
Some kids were playing out in the hallway and kept starting to pull the fire alarm (so it only went off for a few seconds). It was annoying.
I almost called the office, but then I looked outside and saw it was raining, and figured they had nowhere to go and nothing to do.
So I told myself I would just give it a few minutes, and they scattered.
@Adirondackwannabe I think that’s a justified reaction to such a case. I’m talking about those thoughts that are completely unnecessary about someone who has probably done nothing wrong at all.
I have been having many these days.
Thinking it would be so much more comfortable in our house if our pitbull wasn’t with us anymore. She has tried to kill my dog two times and we have to keep him totally separated and even then, I never rest when away from home.
Well, for some ungodly reason, my statistics professor decided to read a conclusion from my homework as an example of what others should write and proceeded to then say my name in front of the whole class and walk over to me and say ‘nice job’. Some guy from my cohort coughed and said ‘teacher’s pet’ – I thought some mean things then about him because hi we’re adults, this is a PhD program…at some point your ass needs to grow up. Oh, I also flipped him off.
This S.O.B. was going below the speed limit and holding me up plus 3 other cars. I was day dreaming about them sliding out of control and safely stopping in a ditch. Mwahaha…...
Interesting… just a couple of hours ago I had an angry thought about my XXX wife of more than a decade ago divorced. The mean-ness came when I immediately pushed it away as something vulgar and ugly to me. I have no idea where it came from… just driving down the road staring into the traffic ahead of me.
I immediately put it in its place, realizing that I wasn’t angry at her… But I was angry at myself for not being more mature back then, and angry at myself for allowing such an old and tired wound be re-openend (even for a second). I felt stupid. That made me angry. And the mean-ness came from pushing it all away like a piece of putrid garbage… rather than accepting, embracing, learning from, and laughing it off to lessons learned.
I haven’t thought about that for years. I haven’t a clue as to why it entered my mind today.
While taking the dawg out for her early morning walk this morning, I saw the lollipop lady struggling in the wind with her…....well, lollipop.
For the briefest of moments I thought how funny it would be if a violent gust caught hold of the thing, spinning her round & maybe twatting her in the face.
Yeah okay, more sadistic than mean but there you go.
I never have mean thoughts. Oh no no no.
But if I did, it was no doubt about that driver who cut me off this morning. Or the one who honked for no apparent reason last night.
But as I said, I didn’t think those thoughts. I’m not that kind of person.
When Oboma suddendly appeared without invite on my TV. I wanted to throw something threw it.
I’m not going to reveal the details, but it involves my DIL.
My mean thoughts center around people who abuse autistic people, the Middle Class, elderly or special needs people. Just because they can or are incompetent.
I openly pray to all that is good in the Universe and to God to punish them. I feel 100% justified. They should all reap what they sow.
I feel guilty when I forget to do things for friends or family because I take on too much responsibility but; I rarely forget.
I never feel guilty about my disgust with Elitist, abusers or Politicians.
I imagined Santa taking a big shit on the dinner plates of a bunch of Santa hatin’ people. ;)
My last “mean” thought was of throwing my cat with tremendous force onto the ground. The vicous little bastard was attacking my 15 year old cat again to the point she sounded like she was dying. That little monster is so lucky I couldn’t bring myself to
hurt an animal.
@YARNLADY It only makes us want the details more when you say you can’t give the details.
I keep hoping my friend and his girlfriend will break up.
I’ll get arrested if I share anything.
@Blackberry Well, it was just a mean thought anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. If anyone really wanted to know, they could PM me
I feel quite cranky with some tutors who are creating additional work because they think they know all but then being precious princesses when it causes work for them (as well as me!). I had some very mean thoughts about a couple of them just today.
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