NSFW (Profanity)... Is "Jesus" a four letter word?
How is it… Why is it… that when some folk respond to shocking commentary, they will often exchange the profanity of Oh Fuck! or Oh Shit! or Oh Damn! with Oh Jesus! or Oh Christ!?... When obviously the real meaning of the reply is simply “Oh Wow” or “Oh Really”?
“Not only did the Banks get bail out money, but the top executives received record bonuses”.
“Oh Fuck!” and “Oh Christ!” or “Oh Jesus!” could be used interchangeably without any confusion to the context of the discussion.
Why is that? And why not “Oh Zeuss” or “Oh Krsna”?
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21 Answers
I enjoy “Oh Jesus fucking christ” around the chruch group.
See what I mean? Why is that @XOIIO?
And why not “Oh Vishnu fucking Krsna”?
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Because, havng religion forced on me all my life made me despise its entireity, and it pisses people the fuck off.
Remember the movie Cars. For some reason, after the credits, an extra scene was played for those patient enough to stick around.
It was the old couple wandering through the dessert, and the male insisting that he didn’t need help finding where they were going.
The lady car, his wife said: “Oh for Christ’s sake… just stop and ask for directions”.
Her statement was completely interchangeable with “Oh for Fucks sake”…
I always wondered why they did that… in a children’s movie.
It was as if it was specifically designed simply to piss off certain people sensitive to the subject… much as you claim to do @XOIIO.
As children we’re taught not to say certain words. It’s this proscription that gives them their power in the first place. The reason ‘Jesus fucking Christ’ carries semantic and emotional weight as an interjection is that it’s proscribed both generally – ‘don’t take the Lord’s name in vain’, which to a child merely means ‘don’t say it’ – and specifically, i.e. religiously, because it’s also a form of blasphemy, which makes it an even severer profanity than your run-of-the-mill four-letter words.
If I never hear ‘Oh, Vishnu!’ it’s because I’m not surrounded by Hindus.
If you’re looking for profanity based in Norse mythology, watch Anchorman (couldn’t find the Zeus clip, unfortunately).
Christianity is like America, as in they both like to spread their word. Lol. Christianity seems to be the dominant god, so we say that instead of Marduk.
Let’s not forget:
Cheese and Rice!
Bob Saget!
@GladysMensch I’ve been looking everywhere for the clip of the store robber who fell through the roof and yelled Bob Saget. Can’t find it though.
I just say “fucking hell” or maybe “Jesus on a bike”
Because Christianity is the dominant religion in America and the Western world, and especially because Jesus is the prominent variation of God within the Trinity for much of the strains of Christianity within America. Why would we be saying “Oh, Vishnu” when so many Americans don’t even know who that is?
@Aethelflaed Yeah, I didn’t even know about the other gods besides Greek, Roman, and monotheist until after school, when I had to actively seek it out lol.
@Blackberry Indeed. And a lot of it is just socialization; by the time you learn about Jupiter, Juno, Hera, Zeus, etc you’ve already learned to respond with “Jesus Christ!” so it just takes a lot of work to change a habit. You don’t even think about it, like adjusting your glasses or brushing bangs out of your face or cracking your knuckles, etc.
It’s a five letter word
Where the transition to being surprised having to be a cuss word or some form of profanity occurred I do not know, (of which I am shamed, as I’m a fan of cuss words and their history) however, a cuss word has to be shocking and offensive. It’s a good way to convey surprise, among other things. So naturally, you would use something that’s shocking to the culture and society you’re in, and what it finds offensive. How or why that is, I denno, but it is. If I lived in India, I might say Vishnu instead of Jesus. But that’s not gonna work in Canada. That is, if all this worked over in India the way it does here, which it does not. I don’t think anyways.
I do try to expand my profanity library though, with things like zounds, what in the seven hells or curses! But it’s really hard to remmeber that when I’m surprised, angry or when I hurt myself, so bleeding Christ! just comes out. :/ It’s like people wouldn’t take me seriously if I didn’t say something like that, which is weird, because it comes out on its own.
That’s right. Sometimes, I say offensive stuff by accident.
I say oh god fucking Mary. Just saying.
Sweet mother of Zeus has always made me chuckle!
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