What is the cutest thing a child has ever said/done to you?
Little kids are just adorable and make adorable moments. Would you like to share some of those moments?
Mine would have to be when a little girl thought I was a man in a woman’s restroom. Her mother looked a bit embarressed.
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12 Answers
When either of my babies were tiny tiny…the first time they try to feed me a part of their cookie.
When my kids first uttered the word “Daddy” I actually melted away…..no really.
A friend’s -10yr son drew a picture of me wearing a floor length red gown and told me he was going to buy me a $20K dollar red sequined dress when he grew up and had a job.
A random girl in Spain came up to me from behind pulling my hand, I turned around and looked at her saying hi there! She replied, are you an angel? I kneeled down to her level and told her “I’m not an angel, but you know what? You’re an angel” She laughed and told me “but you look like one” and then she ran away to her mother! It was quite weird but that made my day to be honest. I can still remember her innocent face! God, I love kids.
My friend’s little girl was being really fussy and crying all night. Eventually she calmed down and got a blanket, and without saying anything, sat herself down in my lap and fell asleep.
My little girl was in bed with me and petting my face and said, “You’re my most precious sweetheart.” But with her lisp it sounded so cute and tiny
I carried my 5 year old for a good 2 miles on halloween once he got tired… toward the end of the walk he turned his head up and said “I love you dad” and then promptly went to sleep on my shoulder. I don’t look forward to the days when I’m not his hero anymore.
My son’s first full sentence occurred after he dropped a penny in the bushes. “Where’d the money go?” Forecast of days to come.
The most recent thing a child has done to touch me: I went home in August to visit my family. I don’t see them that often. My sister’s grandson was about 15 months old at the time. We were outside playing with him and ran to my father’s grapevines. He started pulling green grapes from the vines, taking one little bite and spitting them out. He tried to give me one to eat. I said, “No, don’t eat the green ones. Just the purple ones.”
I picked a sweet Concord purple grape and squeezed it into his little mouth. The juice ran down his chin. Mmmmmm I did a few more and with each I’d say, “See? The purple ones.” He loved it and learned to pick the ripe grapes.
Well, about a month ago, my sister called and told me she was looking at photographs with the little fellow. She’d ask him, who is this’ person in the photos. He’d answer appropriately…until he came to a photo of me. She asked him who I was. He smiled and sai, “The purple one.”
Sorry to be such a long story. But I swear. I will love that for the rest of my life.
My cousin turned four a few days ago. She’s managed to develop a staggering vocabulary and perception of the words she uses, so anytime she says something so uncharacteristically sophisticated for a four-year-old is insanely adorable because you just look at her and blink until she repeats herself. Like this one time, she asked her mom if she could go to her grandparents house (who live next door) by asking if she could “go enjoy one of pappy’s smiley face cookies”.
The other day, my 5 yo grandaughter let out this horrendous burp! I just ignored her. After several seconds she turned to me and said “Grandpa, you didn;t say ‘Pig’”. I thought, am I that predictable.
I have a college friend, Phil. He was single for many years and my wife and I would always invite him to go with us whenever we went on vacation or just camping for the weekend.
When my son was about 4 we were sitting on the sofa reading together. It was a “Little Golden Book” kids and each page had three animals on it, an adult male, adult female and one young of the species. On each page I would point to each and ask “Who is that?” My son would answer “Mommy sheep” or “Daddy goat” or Baby Cow”, whatever animal I was pointing to.
Several pages in we encountered a page with three adults and one young. When I asked my son the regular questions he replied “Mommy Duck, Daddy Duck, Baby Duck”. When I pointed to the remaining duck and asked “Who is that?”. He had this quizzical look for several seconds then his face lit up. Looking up at me he answered “Uncle Phil Duck?”.
Poor Phil, Twenty six years later and we still call him Uncle Phil Duck. I still have that book too. I cannot not bring myself to get rid of it.
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