Are all our questions tweeted with our Fluther id?
Asked by
Bellatrix (
December 8th, 2011
Disturbingly, I posted a question here and it appeared in a twitter search I have under my real name. Are all our questions tweeted? Important for anyone who tweets and may use twitter but also wants to ask questions here and remain anonymous.
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60 Answers
I used to follow the fluther twitter but quit because it hadn’t tweeted anything in ages. Maybe I was following the wrong account?
I had a similar disturbing event happen. A while ago, I linked my Fluther account with my Facebook account. My FB account is under a fictitious name, so no worries about privacy.
Well, a friend used my computer a few days ago. I logged out of FB, and my friend logged into her FB account. Later that day, I asked a question on Fluther, and my question appeared on my friend’s FB page as if asked by her. WTF?!?!
I then tried to disconnect my Fluther account from my FB account, but I got that Oops screen on Fluther. Apparently, that feature isn’t implemented yet…
Have you linked your Twitter account? Maybe? I don’t really know how those features work.
No @Aethelflaed. I deliberately don’t link anything. I had no idea our content was tweeted. I wouldn’t have posted about that if I had.
Far out @HungryGuy.
This worries me. If I have never had anything to do with either Twitter or Facebook, do I have to worry that statements I have made here might end up on on either of those?
I’d like to know the answer to this too…
I had my FB account linked to fluther and I had to get Augustlan to unlink it.
That is disturbing. I don’t have them linked but I would like to know how that happens.
I would appreciate an answer to this question – this scares the heck out of me.
Although, in response to @HungryGuy‘s post… I have Fluther linked to a fictitious Facebook account, which has only one friend: me. And I’ve never had any of “my” Fluther activity show up in my newsfeed.
Like comity suggested – just add a photo and you’re all set. Now what were the details of your bank account to go with your real name, photo and address? I am assuming your identity – resistance is futile. PS – I hope we get an answer soon.
I am making love to her as we write.
I agree, this is very disturbing. I don’t know how this could have happened. Fluther doesn’t even know my real name, I don’t think, but it has been a long time since I registered for the site. I have a Twitter account and I really never use it but I am trying to remember what information I gave it when I registered. Neither my Fluther user name or my Twitter user name are my real name but did I give Twitter my real name when I signed up? The only thing I can think of is if your Twitter account is under your real name and you registered for both Twitter and Fluther using the same email account and Twitter was able to cross reference the two accounts using your email.
It doesn’t like to your Twitter account. Your questions appear in Twitter though. They appear through the Fluther_newborn account.
fluther_newborn Fluther
zensky asks: The GOP has been in power, most recently with a two-term President before this one. They may win th…
36 minutes ago
Hope that clarifies what happens. So we post a question, and that question then appears in the twitter stream.
@Zensky, you can only have my identity if you take the bad and the good. That includes my credit card :D…. oops forgot to add… credit card BILL.
Ok. What’s the credit card number? And did you get an answer yet? And do you- like my avatar? This one – the hobbit shire.
Aye I does like it @zensky. Is it elevensys yet?
I will give you the letters denoting the credit card number.
Orcs Suck Hobbit Balls
Aye agreez. Precious. Orcs suck rocky mountain oysters, they do.
I must learn to type. It doesn’t LINK to your Twitter account…
I found this little site where you can translate your name into a Hobbit (or Orc etc.) name.
Bellatrix LeVerystrange would be:-
Dear Bellatrix LeVeryStange,
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Roidoc Chubb
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Addreoryn
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Vinduil
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Glurin
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Vudish
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Singing Hobbit
and your sword would be called Ancatus
This is the site
if you be wanting to check your own Hobbit lineage Zen Zensky.
And Zen Zensky, we both be fallowing Obama. I am sure it must now be elevensys?
@Bellatrix I got a “fatal error” message checking out your link. I guess it’s goners for me. Oh well, everyone’s got to go sometime. I’ve really enjoyed our friendship here, and you too Zen, of course.
You don’t get a name! What the…. why? Noooo @Lilly
What is the name of your nearest tavern (or make one up?). I made one up for you. The Cave.
Dear Lilly Coyote,
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Gwall Oldbuck
and if you were a (female) Man, your name would be Eleveth
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Sil-Gathien
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Alella
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Palg
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Drunken Cavalier
and your sword would be called Triththaing
Thank you @Bellatrix! The nearest tavern to me would be Stanley’s. Does that make a difference? Have you saved my life? And I think I will call my sword the Trith Thang’ I like that one.
I didn’t even know the fluther_newborn Twitter account existed. :/
It links to all newborn questions, apparently. It does appear to be a legitimate account, presumably set up by Ben or Andrew, and it is an allowable use of the content here according to our terms and conditions. I’m pretty sure that only other jellies are following the account, though. I mean, why would anyone who isn’t a member follow that?
What I’m not sure I understand is how your identity would be compromised if you use an alias on Fluther. Is it because you asked the same question in both places, or what exactly?
Yes, because my real name is in a tweet right above (or very close to) the almost exactly worded Fluther question with this name on it. Can you ask Ben or Andrew to remove those two questions from the tweet stream? I can then make sure from now on I don’t discuss the same things here as there.
I realised afterwards there is probably something in the small print but still, people might want to know their questions with their Fluther Ids on are being tweeted. Perhaps there could be something on the question section that says something like “Please be aware this content may be distributed to other social networking sites” or something. Just to remind people to think before they post. Some people post things here that could identify them elsewhere.
I’ll send them an email about it, and see if they can remove your Twitter questions from here from the tweet stream there. :)
Thank you Auggie. I would be very, very grateful. Sorry if I seem to be acting like a drama queen. I just really don’t want my Fluther life mixing with my real life accidentally.
I would like to see that Twitter stream removed entirely. I don’t see why our Fluther questions should be appearing on Twitter at all unless we have linked accounts. I thought that we had control of that.
@augustlan To clarify, as above: If I have no connection to Twitter or Facebook, will anything I write here get there?
@Bellatrix I also got a fatal error and died.
Guys: when you ask a question or post a reply here – it gets googled. After that – who cares? What’s twitter compared to Google? Google is omnipresent and includes twitter, facebook – well, everything – its GOOGLE. The important thing is not to register with your real name – ever.
Google is a search engine, Twitter is a publication tool.
@Sunny2 It looks like all new questions show up in that Twitter stream. Again, though, who would be following it, unless they’re already a jelly?
Maybe some ex-Jellies. I don’t like it. Why not ask them to stop it since many of us object?
I’ll definitely let them know it’s upsetting people, and see where it goes from there.
There was a period this time last year when we didn’t have internet access. I could access Facebook and Twitter on my phone, but not Fluther. It bugged the heck out of me because I couldn’t access Fluther. This was when the guys announced they were leaving and going to Twitter. It drove me crazy because I wanted to know what was going on here. Thanks to the Twitter stream I could at least keep up with the questions that were being asked here. I couldn’t see the responses, but I could see what the question titles were.
I really don’t see what the problem is here. Maybe someone can enlighten me. All you can see is the question title and username in the Twitter stream.
@jonsblond The problem is, I believe, as I understand it from her details, that somehow during a search, @Bellatrix found that one her questions, that was posted here on fluther was linked to or appeared under her real name rather than her Fluther user name.
I don’t use my real name with Twitter so that wouldn’t be a problem for me or anyone else who doesn’t use their real name. Like I said, the Twitter stream was nice to have when I needed it, so why punish those of us who use it by taking it down?
Well I only think it makes sense if people choose whether their question gets posted on Twitter or not.
Yeah, it’d be much better if the Twitter stream existed, but the only questions that got posted were by members who had opted in to that feature.
I agree @Aethelflaed. I would be happy with that. Also, there are some people who have to use their real name in some areas of the Internet. That is the case with Twitter for me. In most cases I choose not to. I just don’t want my real name and assumed name colliding unless I plan it that way.
@Auggie fixed the problem for me anyway people. And thank you to Auggie for doing that.
I just looked at Twitter and the only thing it shows from Fluther is the title of the questions asked and the Fluther username of the person who asked the question. That’s all. My husband uses his real name at Twitter and he asked a question here tonight. This is what appears at Twitter: fluther_newborn Fluther Blondesjon asks: I would like my enimes to be smited. Any suggestions for the proper diety/demon/mafioso? His real name does not appear.
My situation is now irrelevant because Auggie fixed the problem. However, I think you may be misreading the situation that occurred. I have a twitter account with my real name. I have a Fluther account with an assumed name. I asked a very, very similar question in both places and moments later, two posts appeared in the twitter-stream, one had my real name and one had my Fluther ID and they appeared one on top of the other. You would have had to be pretty dumb not to realise they were from the same person. I don’t want the world to be able to make that connection. I have to have a Twitter account with my real name for professional reasons. I like using Fluther but I don’t want the world to know I post here.
I, and obviously a number of other people, were not aware of Fluther’s Twitter feed. Had I known about it, I wouldn’t have asked the question on Fluther.
Furthermore, sometimes people ask things here they don’t want to appear outside of Fluther because they could be identified. That is why some people don’t mention to others that they even have an account here. People talk about things that are fairly sensitive. They might not be happy to then see their question, that they thought was only posted here, out there in the Twitterverse.
Well it is the internet and nothing is private once you post something, but…. I assumed the Fluther questions appearing on Twitter were only available to those who follow Fluther on Twitter. I guess I assumed wrong. sorry, I’m very sleep deprived at the moment
I just added fluther_newborn (and ben too) to my twitter. I don’t twitter at all – I have tweeted 5 times since starting it 2 years ago – it was more to learn about it.
A few have followed me (heavens knows why – maybe they get something per follow?)
I added fluther_newborn to see what this was all about.
I understand it now – but when you twitter online – you can follow the tweet to its origin – fluther – and then see the whole post.
Like I said – do not register with your real name. I did a zen name on twitter/facebook etc. then – when they link up – it’s just zen.
Also, as I stated, as soon as you write something here – anything – it goes to the top of google – for the world to see.
@Bellatrix I’m curious, would the people that follow you had seen the Fluther question on your page if they weren’t also following the Fluther Twitter feed or would they only see both if they were following both? I don’t use Twitter, so I’m just curious. I understand your concern. Hopefully the people following your real Twitter aren’t also following the Fluther feed and didn’t see them together.
The chances of anyone connecting the two, in @Bellatrix‘s case, are probably slim, but when you’re talking about your personal life and your professional identity and reputation I think that one is better off safe than sorry.
@Seaofclouds. If you were following a particular hashtag, the two would come up. Not everyone is going to do that, but people who were looking for the thing I was, would see both. I asked someone here to try to find me. I gave them no more info than anyone else has and they found my name.
And thank you @lillycoyote, that is exactly the point.
Playing devil’s advocate here. If you were that concerned about privacy, why post similar questions on two different sites when one site has your real name? Won’t they both show up on a Google search anyway? Why is it now Fluther’s problem and make Auggie and the founders fix it for you?
I’m really just curious. not sure how this all works. I’m not trying to be a pest. promise. =)
just tell me to go to bed and I will. lol
Because @jonsblond I didn’t know the questions were being tweeted as I have now said quite a few times. If the questions hadn’t been tweeted, there would be no problem. And I doubt they would both show up in a Google search. None of my other tweets show up that way. I just checked, not a tweet or fluther question popped up when I Googled the same topic.
I also think since @Augustlan didn’t know the questions were being tweeted, it is fairly reasonable to assume others (including myself) did not know that. I post here under an assumed name and I think it is fair to expect that my privacy will be safe. I did not knowingly agree to my questions being posted on Twitter. I also don’t think @Augustlan minded removing the two posts. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t affect most people. On this occasion it affected me by jeopardising my anonymity.
That is my last response to you on this topic. If you don’t get it, that’s fine with me.
I also have a big problem with it. On your profile, there is the option to link you account here to Twitter or Facebook and when you ask a question, you are asked if you want to post it elsewhere. I never have linked and I never said I wanted it posted it elsewhere, therefore my assumption is that it isn’t. Normally my questions are not particularly about private matters but I would not have asked the question about my private relationship here a few weeks ago if I knew it was published elsewhere. (It is somewhat less relevant to me that it could turn up in a Google search since our Google standing is diminished and that would only appear as a search result anyway.) If this policy remains, I will stay here but will get personal support in PMs or on more private sites.
Unless (or until) the founders decide to change the policy, just know that I do have the ability to delete a question from the tweet stream. Obviously, I can’t remove every question, but if anyone wants a particular (*newly asked**) question removed, just let me know and I’ll take care of it. *It’s very time consuming to search for past questions, so please understand that I won’t be able to do that… just new questions, from this point on.
And thank you for that @augustlan. I want to say I don’t have a problem with questions being tweeted generally. This time I just happen to have been caught out. I will be more careful about the questions I ask in both places now I am aware. I think if everyone is aware, they can be more cautious.
I also appreciate your prompt and considerate action on my problem. Another demonstration of how great Fluther is. Not too big to respond when a member has a concern. Much appreciated.
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