Meta Question

zensky's avatar

The GOP has been in power, most recently with a two-term President before this one. They may win this election. Someone is voting GOP - in fact, the majority are statistically. So why is everyone always so surprised when someone here isn't a bleeding heart Liberal?

Asked by zensky (13421points) December 8th, 2011

This is the internet. It’s global. Even though the majority on Fluther are American, I don’t think everyone is a registered Democrat, right?

Who said you have to be liberal, left wing, gay and bleeding heart to be a jelly?

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57 Answers

jerv's avatar

People who consider themselves “Real Americans” and anybody not like them to be inferior.

While you are correct that you don’t have to be a gay, Left-wing, bleeding heart Liberal to be here, facts have no place in stereotypes and bigotry.

everephebe's avatar

“Who said you have to be liberal, left wing, gay and bleeding heart to be a jelly?”
I dunno but I got this email when I first got here… ;p

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lillycoyote's avatar

I’m not surprised when someone here isn’t a bleeding heart liberal, I have nothing but respect for most of the conservatives here, at least not the knee jerk ones, and there are very few of those. I admire them for sticking it out here and standing their ground, even if I disagree with them, and even if I argue with them, even if it might not always seem like I have respect for them, I don’t know. Fluther is not exactly representative of the U.S. in terms of political beliefs, ideologies or party affiliation. It’s not exactly a random sample..

zensky's avatar

Well said, my liberal friend.

jerv's avatar

@lillycoyote True, but it may be argued that anywhere that there is an informed opinion on anything or more than a mild concern about anything political, odds are that you are not dealing with the “average” American. Also, sites like Fluther often attract people who are a bit smarter and more curious than average anyways.
So yes, Fluther cannot be used as a truly representative sample of Americans. Not to mention that not all of us here are American anyways…

zensky's avatar

So Republicans are more average, less intelligent Americans?

lillycoyote's avatar

@jerv . I know not everyone on Fluther is an American but @zensky‘s question specifically addressed the GOP and upcoming elections in the U.S. and specifically asked about U.S. political parties. I answered the question in that context.

jerv's avatar

@lillycoyote Not quite how I read it, but that’s fine.

Aethelflaed's avatar

It’s not surprising when someone is conservative or Republican. Sometimes, it’s surprising for that specific person, or the groups they’re in – for example, you normally don’t have a whole lot of Republicans in gay rights groups. Even when they’re fiscally conservative, most don’t feel that the Republican party is for them. Similarly, I have a relative who’s for the legalization of marijuana, wants total gay rights, has been president of a local pro-choice organization, and is fiscally moderate – but she identifies with the Republican party, and will say things like “Republicans can be cool people, too” (when I didn’t say anything about politics, thus making it more random), and I honestly have no freaking clue why she identifies with the Republican party or what the attraction there is. And I’m often surprised when conservatives stick around on Fluther, especially the ones who talk about how liberal Fluther is and how they feel unwelcome or persecuted, because I don’t understand what drives them to stick with this community instead of seeking one out that they feel is more welcoming to them (note: not that I want them to leave, I just don’t understand why they don’t). But that there are conservative people, in general? Not surprising at all.

zensky's avatar

Do you like to hang around with people who think exactly like you and agree with everything you say? BORING. And besides, your relative is a classic example of what I’m talking about – there are certain “conservative” values – family, economics etc. that appeal to me from the Republican side – yet I agree with everything your relative prescribes and proscribes to; I’d march with the Gays for their rights, I am very pro-choice, and I probably seem pretty liberal most of the time. Humans, especially non-Americans (sorry) are hard to label that way. I could parachute (and have) into almost any country aroud the world and blend in quickly. I also stated that I would probably not vote GOP if given the opportunity – which I had – and relinquished.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@zensky No, I don’t want to hang out with people who are exactly like me. But my interest in hearing for the 32 thousandth time why God isn’t ok with me loving a woman is pretty much nil, so if that’s going to be a certain person’s reaction, then, yeah, we won’t be hanging out any more. There’s more of a spectrum of opinions than “is exactly like me” and “hates everything I stand for”.

Response moderated
Aethelflaed's avatar

I’m sorry, I respond to a question that was pretty much a direct retaliation to another thread, and somehow I’m the one with the agenda? Wtf?

lillycoyote's avatar

@zensky Several things: 1. I would stop short of saying that anyone has a “valid” reason for having problem with gay rights. Maybe it is merely semantics but I understand that some religions people have issues with homosexuality and I try to respect, even if I don’t think the opposition is valid 2. The idea that someone could be conservative and religious and be o.k. with homosexuality is not so very rare that it should be a shock 3. I have never gotten the impression that @Aethelflaed is in the habit of skimming answers for the purpose of finding one or another just so she can promote some personal agenda. She may shoot from the hip sometimes, but to believe that she spends her time stalking your comments, in order to respond, just so, I don’t know how realistic that is. I on the other hand, do stalk your questions and comments, even if you do sometimes ignore me and sometimes don’t find me nearly as insightful and fascinating as I think you should. :-)

lillycoyote's avatar

@zensky You’re so sweet. You could have just ripped into me there, but you never do. I love you for that.

zensky's avatar

Because you were mostly correct, so I wrote a note to self. In fact I copy/pasted it into NOTE on my pc.

everephebe's avatar

Zen if you and I don’t sit down and drink tea together one day, I’ll be a sad fellow. Just sayin’.

lillycoyote's avatar

I’m with @everephebe, whatever country we are from, we should all have a National Sit Down and Drink Tea or Beer or Whatever with Zen Day. Of course it couldn’t be the same day, in every country. Zen couldn’t be in two or more places at once, or maybe he could, he’s quite something, but at least we need to give him a travel schedule that both accommodates him and doesn’t stress him out.

jlelandg's avatar

everyone is a bleeding heart liberal to someone else.

marinelife's avatar

No one did, but many in the community are. There are conservatives on this site too otherwise our political discussions would not be so lively.

Mariah's avatar

I will question views I don’t understand and ask them to defend them, so that I might understand better. I might argue my point of view in hopes that somewhat might realize it’s not as illogical as they might have thought. I hope that is not the behavior you are protesting, because debate is one of the main things I come to Fluther for. Unless somebody interprets disagreement as an attack, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing this.

filmfann's avatar

As a Christian Moderate, I know what you are saying. Those two positions put me in the minority on both counts. Fortunately, I fall into the majority with my perversions.~

jonsblond's avatar

@zensky Are you using Meta as your personal blog again? tsk tsk ;)

CaptainHarley's avatar

ROFLMAO @zensky !!

It really doesn’t matter much, since they’re like Tweedledum and Tweedledumber! : D

CWOTUS's avatar

We need better terms. GWB was in almost no way “conservative”. To those of us who rely on the actual definitions of words (the primary dictionary definitions) there have been very few “conservative” presidents or legislators. To my mind, “conservative” means “tending to preserve” things like democratic institutions, personal liberties, constitutional ideals – and to restrain spending.

Almost no one in US federal government meets this criterion. We do not elect “conservatives” of any stripe.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

A ‘bleeding heart’ liberal? At least I have a heart.

wundayatta's avatar

Are you saying it’s not in the “terms and conditions?”

I could have sworn…...

Jaxk's avatar

I would rather be in the minority than to be on a site where I’m merely piling on. If you’re not hearing the counter arguments, your not learning much.


You’re right about that. Unfortunately we elect liberals of every stripe.

Blackberry's avatar

I should probably do more exploring, but the few conservative-majority sites I have been on were seriously disgusting, so I imagine even moderate republicans would hate them. I should make a list of some of the quotes I see on a daily basis going to those sites. I know there’s a conservative version of Fluther out there somewhere, though.

zensky's avatar

Lurve ya guys. Liberals, Republicans, Americans and everyone else (which is how Americans view the world; I lurve ya all. Even you, @Simone_De_Beauvoir

wundayatta's avatar

Oh man, @zensky Where are the versions that show other nations views of the world? That is pretty good.

wundayatta's avatar

That has to be the best photo of the year. Whatever year it was taken.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m sure the photo is meant as a joke, @zensky, and yeah, there’s a lot that’s funny about it, but…

It also shows an independent spirit: a woman mowing her own lawn (we presume).
It shows resourcefulness: the chair designer didn’t anticipate this use, nor did the lawnmower manufacturer.
It shows a higher degree of order than much of the rest of the world demonstrates.
It shows a pretty clean and ‘nice’ middle class living arrangement.
It shows a certain determination to “get the job done” and not just let things go. (Well, other than the diet, I suppose.)

But if all you see is “fat woman in ridiculous hat and too-bright pants”, then maybe you can also understand why other people can look at other parts of the world and see “ignorant naked savages”. I can understand, but I try to avoid stopping and settling on those thoughts.

zensky's avatar

@CWOTUS It’s just a funny picture – for wunday – but I loved your creative post.

bkcunningham's avatar

ROFLMAO, at both views from and at me, a proud lard-ass, Constitution loving, gun-toting American. Except it should have been a golf cart behind the mower.

rooeytoo's avatar

I seriously admire the woman on the scooter pushing the lawn mower, that is truly a where there’s a will there’s a way mentality. Good on her and personally I am proud that a bloody yank was smart enough to figure out a way!!!

Politicians are a strange lot, just listen to the news, there are perverts, sex addicts, drunks, etc. etc. etc. and it doesn’t matter what country you live in!

rooeytoo's avatar

Also….... when you think about it, is there any group of people doing anything, anywhere in this world that does not include the perverts, sex addicts, drunks, etc. etc. etc. Why would politicians be any different from any other facet of humanity! I guess the main difference is that those of us who pay taxes look upon them as employees and expect more from them in terms of doing something that puts money in my coffers.

I showed the pic @zensky shared of the way yanks thinks to my husband (an aussie) and he gleefully concurred. I however maintain that just about any country could be inserted where the USA is and it would also be true. Almost everyone thinks they are the best and fairest!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

This question didn’t have flame bait all over it? And to say mine were too stong…..

Paradox25's avatar

I’m registered as a Republican currently though I was registered as an independent (no party affiliation) originally. Though I consider myself to be more libertarian than conservative politically I still see myself as liberal, not conservative. However I don’t like the baggage that comes with progressivism. Personally I live a very conservative lifestyle and I actually agree with hardcore conservatives on most family values and morals issues (most). Where I’m different is that I’m not for enforcing my lifestyle on others. I have a live and let live attitude for the most part.

zensky's avatar

Stong is…?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Ohhhh…...almost had me. I won’t say that:
A) I would get modded.
B) It would hijack this lively and interesting debate.

zensky's avatar

So stong is…?

lillycoyote's avatar

@zensky According to the Urban Dictionary stong means these things. You men never cease arguing about this kind of thing, do you? Or maybe it was just a typo.

filmfann's avatar

@zensky How Americans view the world had me on the floor laughing!

zensky's avatar

It was true and funny.

I have to get me some stong.

lillycoyote's avatar

And two views of America as seen by New Yorkers:

a classic New Yorker magazine cover

and something a little more recent

again, just jokes, folks.

It’s not just outsiders that might have a bit of skew to their view.

zensky's avatar

I remember those. I mean, I really remember them. Cool. Let’s look up some more funny maps and shit. As you know, I got the time.

CaptainHarley's avatar


Uh… I suppose you have to have lived in “Joisey” to understand that one.

jerv's avatar

@CaptainHarley Not really. I mean, every place has similar diversity. For instance, there is a section of East Texas where people are smart enough to actually find New Jersey on a map, and then there it’s the rest of Texas.

zensky's avatar

Guilty as charged, Sir.

CaptainHarley's avatar

LOL @jerv

Parochialism at its best, eh? : )

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