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talljasperman's avatar

What is the difference between being weak and being fragile?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) December 8th, 2011

Which is a worse trait and why?

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10 Answers

zensky's avatar

Weak is a temporary situation, like being weak in the knees (so to speak – from love, say), or bein weak from an illness. Fragile is permanent. Or requires serious change. This is just how I view these metaphors for the human psyche. I could be wrong.

King_Pariah's avatar

To me well, weakness arise from having something dear to you. So does strength.

Fragile is a more shallow matter persay. Such as you let simple little things, comments, actions, hurt you.

Bugalu's avatar

Being weak, you have no strength, being fragile, you break easily. I am not a weak person, but my bones break easily.

marinelife's avatar

Being weak is the opposite of being strong.

Being fragile is the opposite of being sturdy.

Coloma's avatar

Weakness OR fragility both, could be applied to physical or mental/emotional conditions.
I’d prefer to be physically weak rather than emotionally fragile any day of the week. lol
There is no shame in not having an ultra strong body, not everyone can or will be physically strong or robust, but, to be overly emotionally fragile is a much bigger liability IMO.

It’s much easier to strengthen ones physical body than to fix a messed up psyche. lol

wundayatta's avatar

Fragile means you break easily. Someone hits you sharply, and you fall apart. Like a parent dies and you can’t do anything for months.

Weak means you aren’t very strong. Someone tests you and it is hard to resist. Your parent dies, and you can cope, but you can’t do very much.

submariner's avatar

Weakness is a more general term. Fragility is more specific. Fragility is a form of weakness. Everything that is fragile is weak, but not everything that is weak is fragile. There are different ways to be weak, and being fragile is one of them.

Sunny2's avatar

I think the two words could be on the same continuum with broken at one end and whole at the other. Fragile is closer to broken than weak is.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

My answer matchs that of @marinelife .

Sunny2's avatar

I would say that fragile means something could be shattered. (Like they mark on boxes containing glass) Weak is simply ‘not strong.’

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