Meta Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What are your wishes for Fluther this coming 2012 and any Fluther New Year's resolutions you have?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29343points) December 9th, 2011

As asked. : )

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36 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

I wish for Fluther to make those darned edit boxes bigger when editing your questions.

My Fluther New Year’s resolution is to Fluther MOAR! and to reach 30k by year’s end.

mazingerz88's avatar

@erichw1504 Well, you’re one lurve closer to 30K…

mazingerz88's avatar

Ok, two. Stop it! : )

mazingerz88's avatar

@erichw1504 Tiger avatar eats man in red avatar after man spanks tiger. No more lurve! Roarrr.

zensky's avatar

That @mazingerz88 will write details and not just as asked. Other than that I’m good.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Ummm… I’d like Fluther to stop being so damn addictive and I’d like for the religious and political arguments to simmer down and quit being so disgustingly arrogant. I’d personally like to be less angry cough cough, more patient, and hit 20k. =0)

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’d like for Howard Wolowitz to cycle through all my favorite nerd-boys…ahem, @erichw1504

marinelife's avatar

I should resolve to spend less time here, but I probably won’t.

augustlan's avatar

I wish everyone here a happy, healthy, and more prosperous year. I wish the site will overcome its google troubles, and rake in the dough. I resolve to whip more people. :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

<raises hand to be whipped>

mazingerz88's avatar

@augustlan if I may, what google troubles?

augustlan's avatar

@mazingerz88 Google has erroneously labeled Fluther a ‘content farm’, which has negatively affected where we show up in Google searches. See here for more info on that.

Blondesjon's avatar

My wish is that Fluther and it’s Jellies remain exactly who and what they are, an outstanding group of fantastic, if sometimes infuriating, personalities.

Stay gold Fluther, stay gold.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’d actually like all the jellies to bend to my benevolent will in 2012. I’d also like someone to take the damned wine bottle out of my had when I’m obviously spouting nonsense. I’ll still spout nonsense, but sober nonsense is so much more eloquent.

Blondesjon's avatar

@JilltheTooth . . . I beg to differ.

eloquently, of course.

JilltheTooth's avatar

See? It’s already working! He’s begging. That’s what I meant. Eloquently.

gailcalled's avatar

@JilltheTooth.So, are you using your left or your right had, speaking of wine.?

JilltheTooth's avatar

All of them, @gailcalled . A good time was had this evening by all of them. These are some happy little “hads” I’ve got here… ;-P

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My hads are busy stuffing chicken fajitas into my mouth!

gailcalled's avatar

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hads.

Blondesjon's avatar

what is the sond of one had clapping?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Similar to the sond of one fot walking.

Berserker's avatar

I just wish for everyone to keep being cool, mang.

zensky's avatar

So, am I a content farm animal?

Berserker's avatar

Er…I feel like Lia from Xena when she walked into some dude banging a goat. The hell you gettin at, son? ’‘taps my cane on your chest’’ XD

zensky's avatar

^ I read some guy banging a goat – yes? I hope I don’t have to be that dude’s content farm animal.

Berserker's avatar

You don’t actually see it happen in the show. But you hear the sounds. So you win by default, because even though we didn’t see anything, we can hear it quite well; not a content goat.
Yeah some of those comedy episodes can get a little odd…honestly, I don’t even know how some survived on cable TV. Probably because Robert Tapert Ares is God.

zensky's avatar

It’s no fun being a content farm animal. Just saying. It’s baaaaad.

Berserker's avatar

Oh right, content, not cont…crap. Eh I’m sure you knew what I meant. XD

But if you don’t, I don’t think I can splain. :D

Bellatrix's avatar

I hope we all just keep doing what we are doing. More of all that stuff that just happened ^^^
along with all the clever, amazingly fascinating stuff too.

Oh and I hope I will be less addicted to this site and get more other things done outside of Fluther.

zensky's avatar

Wait, what? There is an outside?

Bellatrix's avatar

I think so. I have seen clips of a different world on YouTube. It looks… colourful and musical and it has many cats in it.

zensky's avatar

Was that the show with Lenny Kravitz’s ex? But it doesn’t count – I get youtube on my pc – so I’m still inside.

mazingerz88's avatar

I’m a content beast.

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