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Nullo's avatar

What's a good way to go about learning electronics that doesn't involve a class?

Asked by Nullo (22033points) December 9th, 2011

I can’t attend any kind of regularly scheduled class on account of my job’s rather fluid schedule, so I was thinking about kits or something.
My experience so far is limited to a simple circuit (first grade, 9v battery and a lightbulb), electromagnet (Grandma’s garage, wire, bolt, and battery) and a crystal diode (?) radio in Cub Scouts.

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6 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

A computer website is the next best teacher. Its all there, you just have to search for it.

Male's avatar

YouTube and online worksheets.

gasman's avatar

Read Nuts ‘N’ Volts magazine. Look online for electronic kits from Ramsey electronics. There are also Tab books on electricity & electronics written for beginners. Jameco electronics has instructional YouTube videos by Collin Cunningham for Jameco Electronics.

jrpowell's avatar

I am a huge fan of BEAM. I bought a kit from solarbotics and went nuts. The thing is that it is a kit and you can follow along and make it and it isn’t hard. The hard part is figuring out why it does what it does.

dabbler's avatar

I don’t have one, but someone I know was recently recommending snap circuits.

Also there is a web site associated with make magazine that has all kinds of projects.

Also, for digital circuitry, e.g. simple controls, it’s useful to understand logic/boolean algebra.

Paradox25's avatar

There are electronic learning kits equiped with electronic components (PNP/NPN transistors, SCR’s, diodes, triacs, resistors, capacitors, etc) for building circiuts, breadboards, speakers, audio transformers, switches, relays, electronic circuit diagram books, etc that you can buy from a store like radio shack.

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