(nsfw-ish) Parents: have you ever walked-in on one of your children while they were having sex with someone?
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If so, how did you handle it? How did your child handle it? Did it change the nature of your relationship?
I’ve often wondered what I would do if I walked in on my child engaged in sex with their girlfriend/boyfriend. I think I would yell “Holy shit! Lock the fucking door next time!”, but that’s about it.
I can’t imagine becoming angry – hell, I remember what I was like at 16–17.
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20 Answers
I opened the door to the basement and my youngest son (17) said “don’t come down here!”. He was with his girlfriend and I didn’t know they were down there. I think he thought it was his younger sister who was opening the door otherwise he would have been more polite. All I can say is awkward.
I knock on his bedroom door before entering. Older children (16 and older) deserve some privacy and respect if they have shown they can be responsible.
No. Walked in on my son masturbating. I just turned around and walked out and we said nothing about it.
My one good ear is good enough to prevent anything like that from happening.
I ¼-way walked in on my son in the shower with his girlfriend. Not very smart of them to leave the bathroom door open, but I only saw a very fast, short glimpse, turned heel and left. I had no reaction at all because they are plenty old enough.
I was walked in on by my mom when I was 19—she had no idea what we were doing. She thought we were just wrestling and joking around. LOL!
In my experience it’s parents who are more likely to be walked in on…
And that has happened @Fundy!
Yes, but I didn’t have my camera ready so don’t bother PMing me.
Gadzooks, not at that point yet, but what can anyone do? The law basically hog tied the parents and gave the butlers the keys to the mansion. You can’t lock your kid in the room preventing them from sneaking out to some other person’s house. Unless they person they are boinking is over 18, there is nothing anyone can do, less pass out the condoms. There is no law against it, you can’t even sue. Just start saving those nickels to help with the baby clothes or helping him pay the child support.
I have not yet experienced it as a parent (15yrs to go hopefully).
I did however get busted mid coitus by my Mum when I was 17. She walked in & straight back out and nothing was ever said about it.
It was all cool because we wiped it from memory, I’m sure she understood human nature and I wasn’t too embarrassed
(yet I didn’t dare turn to look at her when the door opened, haha)
Just don’t talk about it, accept it as a right of passage and move on.
When I was in high school I moved across the country to live with my single father. he hadnt raised any of his kids so was fairly new to it. we had a very open relationship. he told me “i know your having sex and theres nothing i can do to prevent it so please promise me youll be safe about it.” well one day my boyfriend and i came back to my house after school and my dad wasnt home so we went in the room and…. you know. i guess my dad came home while we were in there because all i heard was him banging on the wall yelling “thats gross keep it down will ya?!?” that embarrasses me enough to not do it at home anymore.
I walked in on my brother masturbating once. He simply said “just give me 5 minutes and come back”! It wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be, we both laughed about it at the time and I have learnt to always knock!!!
I also walked in on my parents when I was about 8 years old! I just went “Urgh” and went back to my room. I can laugh about that with them now especially as they haven’t even been on speaking terms for the past 10 years. If ever I need to remind them that they liked each other at one point, I just bring up that story!!!
My mother walked in on me when I was younger. She started crying and didn’t talk to me for days.
no need. i got cameras all over
Not yet, thank god. My mom walked in on me masturbating when I was 13… I told her I was popping an awkward pimple! That’s believable, right? ~
When I was 16 or so, she came home early while I was having sex in my bedroom and started screaming for me to come to the kitchen because the cake I was baking was burning to a crisp (boy and I never heard the timer go off). I was so flustered, I only half-buttoned my shirt and somehow got my pants on inside out. I was taking way too long to respond, so I gave up, stripped off the pants and walked into the kitchen half-naked. She’s ranting and raving about the cake, but I know any minute she’s going to see my state of dress and realize the guy was in my room, so I came clean. My boyfriend was mortified and wouldn’t come out of my room until she went in and talked to him. We ended up having a good laugh about the whole thing, and from then on, my friends and I referred to sex as “baking a cake”.
My Dad walked in on my boyfriend and I (laying on the couch with a blanket covering us) dry humping. He gave my boyfriend the look of death and walked on by.
Both of my late 20’s early 30’s sons are virgins. Even the one married and divorced after 4 years. Until I see a grandchild, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
It has been over 10 years since I last answered this question. Both of my sons are now married and in their 40s. I have 3 grandchildren .
In my eyes they are still virgins.
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