Why do the media and many in the West want to call abortion in India infanticide?
It strikes me as disingenuous that Western media and many pro-choice women want to view abortion in India as infanticide. If they have abortions over there for political, strategic, economic reasons, or even for personal choice, what gives anyone here the right to question it? No one here want to be questioned on how they treat the terminating of babies.
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15 Answers
Links? It’d help us know who exactly is “they” for this question.
If my Googles show me the same thing that you’re looking at, the deaths (some are abortions, others are post-natal killings) are a result of a gender bias that favors male children over female children. This is forcing those women’s rights advocates who uphold abortion as a choice to choose: support abortions, or take umbrage at the murder of girls because they’re girls.
Like in China’s one baby limit.
I believe “female infanticide” is actually the killing of a newborn girl; when it’s aborting because the fetus is female, it’s called “selective-sex abortion”. So, not actually the same thing.
It works very well.
BBC News is full of heartbreaking personal stories of womens injustice in Afghanistan & India.
The stories may be true but they are biased, If Aghanistan had a powerful media like the BBC Im sure we would be hearing all about the abuses in our own lower class houses. Its a world of Hypocracy.
Because in India it is common to abort or kill a baby if it is a girl because they are not seen as productive members of a family compared to a Son.
No one is calling abortion infanticide. Infanticide is the killing of live born children. In India, it occurs when people don’t like the sex of the baby.
I seriously doubt that anyone here advocates the “terminating of babies.”
@Aethelflaed Under the tag of ”infanticide”, was this, it might have gotten there because a passage in the article mentioned infanticide in concert with abortion practices in India. I know the difference, but it was curious that they should try to mention both in the same breath; as I suspect other articles, I have not read, attempt. I would say it is a stab at bamboozling the masses. Infanticide carries the air of being more nefarious, and sinister making the same act worse because of the way it is handled. Be it they were terminating unborn male babies, or unborn female babies, the reason they did it is not much different than in the West, when you strip it to the bone. To try to vilify one over, or more than the other is a bait and switch, or subterfuge.
@Boogabooga1 BBC News is full of heartbreaking personal stories of womens injustice in Afghanistan & India. The stories may be true but they are biased, If Aghanistan had a powerful media like the BBC Im sure we would be hearing all about the abuses in our own lower class houses. Its a world of Hypocracy. I believe this one article I read came from the BBC, but what 1st had me looking was American media, who might have got their lead from the BBC, ummm. It is a bait and switch, like when one is considered a freedom fighter or a terrorist depends on which interest you support, the one in power or the one who wants to take them down. If the 99 took up arms and tried to do a Libya-style ”American Winter” here, they would be put down as criminals and terrorist, the same as Bashar Assad has done to those in Syria who rails up against the establishment.
@Hypocrisy_Central Within India, they are closely related. Those who have more money can screen with ultrasounds during the pregnancy, and get an abortion, while those who do not often wait to give birth and then get rid of the newborn girl. But that isn’t us Westerners putting a label on them, that’s how Indian feminists describe it, and how the Indian government responds to it. The article is depicting it as Indians themselves view it, not as Westerners would like to view it.
@Aethelflaed The article is depicting it as Indians themselves view it, not as Westerners would like to view it. I am sure this is not the 1st time this has come to light. If I dug deeper, I would bet I would find Western media that would try to spin it as nefariously as the BBC, or any group in India.
If they did so after the child was born that would certainly be wrong. Those who feel it is just tissue until it squeezes its way out the coochie, whatever reason it is disposed of, has to be all good. The tissue has no rights.
@Hypocrisy_Central Ok, I’m kind of a bit confused as to what you were saying in that last post. But, to answer the original question what gives anyone here the right to question it?, the answer is, nothing, that’s not what they’re doing, they’re repeating what Indians and Indian feminists say, and how they view it. You think not reporting on what goes on around the world would be better? It seems to me like the BBC is doing exactly what you want, and yet you’re still pissed, and I don’t know why.
@Aethelflaed You think not reporting on what goes on around the world would be better? It seems to me like the BBC is doing exactly what you want, and yet you’re still pissed, and I don’t know why.¬ Pissed, hardly, I am not one of the sheep, so I see perfectly what they do. I am curious the way they want to specify how many girls are wacked off before birth as oppose to just mentioning the amount total as in the rest of the world. In the US when they speak of how many women skirted motherhood by terminating the little nipper, they don’t say X amount of females terminated Z amount of males, while Y amount of females were terminated. There is no distinction or separation. To do so is not just reporting from the middle, to me, but more of an agenda.
@Hypocrisy_Central But that’s because the West doesn’t have selective-sex abortion as an issue. Abortion is not the same everywhere; it is a different issue for different parts of the world.
If an Indian feminist, who was born and raised in India, is telling you this, how is that a “Western agenda”? This not Western feminists’ movement, this is Indian feminists’ movement. If you read Indian feminists on the issue, this is not Western feminists deciding that this is an issue, this is Indian feminists deciding this is one of the issues that their feminism will focus on, how their movement will look.
As an aside, this sexual favoritism has made it increasingly difficult for Chinese men to find wives. If this keeps up, they’ll be emigrating or dying off in scads in a couple generations. Ought to be interesting, though perhaps in the fashion of those natural disasters that glue people to their TVs for hours.
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