Guess which nice guy just made 20K?
Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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60 Answers
Mazel tov @Jerv! Whether it is in politics or computer science, you add a lot of content to the discussion. It’s great to have you here.
Congratulations @Jerv. Your comments almost always seem pretty sensible to me.
Jelly from my favorite city! Congrats!
Aw congrats, I always enjoy your informative posts. :)
Congratulations, Jerv! You always bring something interesting to your responses. Thanks!
Hey Jerv. Congrats on the 20k. May you save least 20 kWhrs every day.
Felicitations, @jerv!
Just for you, I am not typing this response using Safari.
Congratulations, shipmate! :P
Nice job @jerv!!
Almost always love your answers.
Despite your anti-Apple stance.
Great job! Congratulations on a well deserved milestone. I enjoy reading what you have to say.
Congratulations @Jerv on your 20K. Always interesting and often very specific responses and I don’t mind your anti-Apple stance. Gives us the other side of the equation.
Congratulations, @Jerv! You are always thoughtful, often insightful, and always interesting.
@Daloon OK, you flashed us. Now cover up that ass!
Yay Jerv!! You are one of my favourite jellies.
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
Hey Jervie, I can honestly say there is no one else I would rather discuss Apple products with!
You are a valuable flutherite, I have learned much from you.
Jerv Rocks! Congo Rats!!!
Congratulations! What a day at Flutherville.
Yay Jerv. You’re the go to guy for blondes with cat trouble. lol
@jerv Fluther won’t be Fluther without you! You’re my fave audiophile techie guru!
CONGRATS! You are a certified high fidelity jelly! : )
Uh…I meant ” CAR trouble. hahaha
Throw out the tables and chairs. It’s time to dance!
We don’t bump into each other much these days but I’ve been impressed by your pithy comments since you first joined.
@all Thank you for the kind words.
@Bellatrix @cprevite @rooeytoo FYI, I actually like the 11” Macbook Air, and I would not mind a Mac Pro with dual “Westmere” Xeons. It’s just the rest of the lineup (and the prices) that I don’t like.
Major congratulation, @jerv. Very well done. Your soild,, thoughtful input is a great asset to this community.
Congratulations! Welcome to the club!
Congra20Kulations! Enjoy your party!
Congratulations to a super bright jelly! I always appreciate your contributions and thought provoking discussions.
Yay! Congrats, jerv… I’ve learned a lot from you!
Congratulations! Party. Then rest. Then start all over again!
Hooray! Congratulations, @jerv!
Congrats Jerv!!! Happy 20K!!!
(ノ^..^)ノ ヘ(^..^ヘ)
Watch out for Tom…(=^。^=)...!...(i mistook Jerv for Jerry, and thought about Tom and Jerry).
Nobody pulls off sarcasm on here quite like you @jerv… go on, bite me! (please!)
You have a bright man right here. :)
Congratulations!! You have been awfully helpful to me a few times here in the lagoon.
Congrats @jerv!! Cupcakes for you!!
Yay! Congrats @jerv! Just when I thought Fluther had alot of parties, you start up another.
Let’s turn up the music. It’s time for a dance party!
Yay @Jerv! You always have great things to contribute here. Party on!
Congrats, thanks for being such a great member of the collective! :-)
congratulations my friend
Congratulations St. Jerv of the Lurve!
Sorry I’m so late! I’ve been late to all the parties and I haven’t even made to @worriedguy’s a.k.a. @LuckyGuy‘s party yet.
I think you’re just awesome, @jerv. I do! Really. I usually bring a present to a party and I really had trouble finding one for you because you have so many facets. So I am kind of bringing a kind of “count your blessings” present to your party. This is the ship my dad served on when he first got into the Navy in WWII
And this is a video of the DE-13 which was also an Evarts class destroyer escort, like the one my dad served on. Only, always, salt water showers and laundry, I believe. And, their their relatively short range and poor sea keeping characteristics made them an unpopular design
To say the least, from the way my father always described it. Not a pleasant ride, from what I understand, not at all. I believe in boat and ship jargon poor sea keeping characteristics,” is a nice way to put that you’re in for some serious stomach churning and getting your ass bounce around a hell of a lot. :- ) Just be glad you served in the “New Navy.” Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for you, in terms of a present, the little bit of U.S. Navy history that I know. :- )
Happy 20K day for yesterday @jerv !
Conscratumacation @jerv !!
CONGO RATS to one of my Fluther Favs!
Where’s the missus?
jerv, my favorite kmowledgeable tech guru. Congrats on your accomplishment.
Im sorry to be late to the party as I haven’t had as much spare time for Luther lately since stepping out of the walled garden. Due to your influence (and a BF sale,) I took the plunge and got an Android tablet.
Now all I have to do is figure out how to use it (and how to convince it to stop insisting on changing the name of our site because it assumes a typo.)
I tried three times to change it but it keeps substituting Luther.
Android is not that easy to learn :)
Congratualtions! Similar to @Buttonstc, I have gotten lots of tech and car tips from you.
Pop some more bubbly and pass the canapes, please.
@lillycoyote Oooh, shiny….
@Buttonstc Funny; my phone added “Fluther” to it’s library right off the bat. It also added a few other words, so it may occasionally seem like I have Tourette’s… Then again, I use Swype instead of the normal tap-typing keyboard, so it knows that the first letter is F (just like some other words it auto-learned).
I’d tell you how many times your answers have helped me out here, but I ran out of fingers for counting. Congratulations!
Congratulations @jerv ! You’re one of those fellows that helps us folks out who don’t know anything about technology, except how much trouble it causes us. Thanks for always clearing things up for us all and making “weird complicated stuff” seem understandable : )
Way out in the back forty of the Fluther mansion property, we’ve set up a beautiful place for you to call your own. I hope you like it.
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